One Last Try

"B-but this is impossible," Yongsun said in disbelief.

The promise ring she gave Wheein that for some reason she never saw Wheein wear often, was now on her pinky.

"Nothing is impossible, Yongsummer-unnie." Moonfairy winked at her.

"Is it possible that after this, Wheein would leave Taeyeon to be with me?" Yongsun asked.

But Moonfairy was suddenly busy with Hyejin. She took Hyejin's hands, studied it for a while, then she slipped her fingers between Hyejin's.

"What do you think you're doing?" Yong's protectiveness jumped out again.

"Look at how perfect our hands fit each other," Moonfairy said. "Like our hands are made to hold each other."

"Hey, stop that." Yongsun scolded Moonfairy. "I told you if you want to flirt with her, make sure she's consenting."

"This isn't flirting." Moonfairy looked at her. "No wonder you've never been in a relationship. You don't even know what flirting is and what is not."

"H-how did you know that?" Yongsun asked, her face felt like burning in embarrassment.

"You've never even kissed someone," Moonfairy continued. "I know just by looking at you. I didn't even have to use my mind reading powers to know that."

The way Moonfairy said it made Yongsun felt insulted.

"Because you were too busy waiting for Wheein," Moonfairy said. "Am I right? You were too busy waiting for someone who had given up waiting for you."

Yongsun couldn't say anything anymore. Deep down she knew Moonfairy was right but Yongsun's pride would never admit she was.

"And she deserved to be happy," Moonfairy walked to Yongsun. "Even if that happiness doesn't involve you."

Those words felt like daggers stabbing Yongsun's heart and she could feel this pain from all those years of watching Wheein fall for someone else that wasn't her.

"And you did nothing but watch her fall in love with her now wife," Moonfairy added.

"Stop it," Yongsun didn't want any more of those unsolicited words from Moonfairy.

"Okay, great." Moonfairy smiled and dusted off her tuxedo. "When I clap and everything unfreezes, don't take your eyes off your precious Wheein."

Moonfairy clapped her hands and everyone started moving again.

As Moonfairy instructed, Yongsun stared at Wheein. Wheein took her eyes off the video screen and looked at Yongsun. She gave her a smile, a forced one. And as soon as she looked down, her smile disappeared. She touched her pinky ring and played with it a little, turning it around her finger.

Taeyeon looked at Wheein, "You okay?"

Wheein whispered to Taeyeon audibly, "I just... suddenly feel... I don't know."

Taeyeon took her hand and squeezed it gently. Then she kissed Wheein's cheek. Wheein forced a smile at Taeyeon. Then she sweeped a look at Yongsun again before looking back at the video screen.

Moonfairy clapped and everything froze again. "Did you see that?" She asked Yongsun.

"See what?" Yongsun asked back.

"Oh fairy gods," Moonfairy dramatically looked at the ceiling with open arms. "Why did you send me to such a dumb person? What did I do wrong to deserve being stuck here to fix her love life?" Moonfairy knelt even more dramatically on the floor like she was giving up. "Take me back please, fairy gods. I can't with her."

"Hey, I can hear you." Yongsun said annoyed. "I'm not dumb and I'm trying to fix this myself."

"You do?" Moonfairy stood up to her feet. "But without my time magic, you can't."

"Well, yes." Yongsun hesitantly admitted.

"And you're running out of time," Moonfairy said as a matter-of-factly.


"You went back to the past two times--"

"But you didn't tell me anything about the limit!" Yongsun got really upset.

"Oh, didn't I?" Moonfairy tried to remember. "I guess I really forgot."

"How much more do I have?" Yongsun asked.

"I'm sorry..." Moonfairy said. "One more try left."

"But, but will that be enough?" Yongsun asked. "I am close to getting Wheein back but it won't be enough," Yongsun could feel tears welling up in her eyes.

"You? Close?" Moonfairy asked. "Just because she's wearing the promise ring you gave doesn't mean she would choose you over Taeyeon."

Yongsun started sobbing.

"That's what you are good at anyway: crying," Moonfairy said scoldingly. "When you found out Wheein had a crush on this woman she met, you cried. When you learned they started hanging out, you cried. And when you knew they were dating, you just cried."

Yongsun hated how Moonfairy was reminding her of everything. Reminding her of her cowardice, always being scared to communicate her feelings to the only girl she ever loved.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you about the limit of tries," Moonfairy said. "Only that much I can give you."

"So this would be my last chance?"


Yongsun looked at the photo on the screen. That photo was taken at the end of Wheein's freshmen year at the university.

They were in a year ender party that Wheein wanted to go to in the photo, surrounded by strangers. Holding red plastic cups of alcohol with boxes of pizza on the table. Some of the students were puffing cigarettes in the background.

Wheein told Yongsun she wanted to go because she wasn't able to attend her senior prom for many reasons. Her parents' divorce, Hyejin had graduated already, she didn't have friends, etc. And she had always regretted not being able to go and experience it.

Wheein would always tell her how her classmates then talked about the prom. Getting their first dance, first confessions, first kiss. Yongsun thought Wheein would've wanted to experience those things too. And the university frosh year ender party was the closest thing to the senior prom that she could experience.

Except that it was basically an alcohol and pizza party in a huge house of their questionable professor. Completely opposite of what Wheein had in mind.

"Hey," Moonfairy snapped to get Yongsun's attention.

"At this party was where she met Taeyeon for the first time," Yongsun told her.

"And so...?"

"If I go back and prevent their paths from crossing each other, I can change the present." Yongsun's determination was again rising.

"Good thinking," Moonfairy said. "But Wheein was studying in the university where Taeyeon was a new professor, right? Their paths were still meant to cross."

Yongsun sat on a chair and thought for a while, "I have to do something big enough to change things."

"Yeah, like what?"

"When we were at the party, I remember Taeyeon was completely wasted. They were playing some truth or dare. And they dared drunk Taeyeon to kiss the prettiest girl in the party," Yongsun was trying to remember. "And that was when she walked wobbling towards our direction and kissed Wheein on the lips."

"So what are you going to do? Push Taeyeon away so she couldn't kiss your Wheein anymore?" Moonfairy asked. "You think preventing that kiss from happening can really change the present?"

"I... don't know."

"Think big, Yongsummer-unnie," Moonfairy addressed her by Wheein's term of endearment for Yongsun.

Yongsun's heart ached a bit.

"Remember this is your last chance," Moonfairy said. "Last chance at that love. Last. Chance."

Yongsun closed her eyes trying to find all the courage to face her last chance. "I can do this," she muttered to herself.

"Well then, you know the drill."

Yongsun looked at Wheein for one last time. She looked at Wheein's face, her most favorite thing in the world.

And she screamed for the last time, "HALLELUJAH CHANCE!!!"