Hallelujah Last Chance!

Until Yongsun opened her eyes...

Wheein was still there seated beside Taeyeon. Yongsun's heart ached to see the girl she just kissed a couple of seconds ago was now married to someone else. But Yongsun didn't let that kill the hope in her heart.

She could imagine that the moment Moonfairy would clap to unfreeze everything, Wheein would be running to Yongsun and beg her to take her from Taeyeon. That Wheein would suddenly realize marrying Taeyeon was just a mistake and that she would get back with Yongsun again.

Moonfairy tapped her shoulder, "Are you ready?"

Yongsun looked at Moonfairy but she couldn't say yes or even nod. "I don't know."

They looked at the photo on the video and it was replaced with a photo in the party where Taeyeon was in the center holding a can of beer in the air.

"Yongsummer-unnie, we ready to go back to present?" Moonfairy asked softly.

Yongsun noticed that it wasn't the usual manner of Moonfairy's talking. She was softer to Yongsun this time. And the way she asked the question was like she was asking if they were both ready.

Both Moonfairy and Yongsun.

"After this, are you leaving?" Yongsun asked.

"I have to go back and report to the fairy gods," Moonfairy replied. "Then wait for my next assignment."

"What about Hyejinie?"

"Life of a fairy, we can't fall for anyone." There was a tinge of sadness in her voice. "Or the gods will take our magic away and we are forever banished from the fairyland."

Yongsun almost laughed at the mention of fairlyland. But damn, that was sad, she thought. "So is this goodbye then?"

"It was nice to be of service to you, Yongsummer-unnie." Moonfairy said. "Please take care of Hyejin and make sure she ends up with someone who truly loves her."

"I'll make sure of it," Yongsun reassured her. Parting with Moonfairy was sadder than she thought.

Moonfairy smiled at her, a forced one. Then she clapped and everything started moving again.

Yongsun watched Wheein look at the photo of Taeyeon on the video and she playfully hit Taeyeon's arm laughing.

Yongsun couldn't understand why did it seem nothing changed at all...? Wheein was still so sweet for Taeyeon when she was supposed to be sweeter now with Yongsun?

Then Wheein swept a look at the room and finally looked at Yongsun. Yongsun felt her heart beating faster. She started sweating. Maybe Wheein was now realizing how much she actually loved Yongsun. Maybe Wheein was going to run up to her and tell her they would run away together from that place.

But the next photo flashed on the screen.

Yongsun's eyes opened wide when she saw it was a photo of her and Wheein seated on the hood of her car munching sandwiches with sodas on their hand at that night in the football field.

She saw Wheein's face changed to a pained expression, and she suddenly stood up and quickly excused herself from Taeyeon to use the restroom.

Hyejin quickly paused the video and took in charge of the guests, saying a few adlibs. Then she decided to sing and entertain the guests to forget fill the interruption.

Yongsun quickly followed Wheein to the restroom and saw Wheein standing in front of the mirror. Her hands on the sink counter for support. She looked like she was dizzy and wanting to vomit.

"Hey, you okay?" Yongsun closed the door and helped Wheein stand properly.

"That photo," Wheein said. "So many memories."

"Yeah, I know." Yongsun tried to pat Wheein's back to make sure she was okay. Yongsun knew Wheein would often have that reaction whenever she got too stressed or emotional.

"That night you said you will marry me," Wheein told her.

"I'm sorry, Wheein-ah."

"It's okay, unnie." Wheein brushed it off nicely. "It wasn't your fault. We were young then and didn't know anything about love."

Yongsun tried to hug her but Wheein gently refused it. She was now married.

"I'm okay now, don't worry unnie." Wheein smiled at her. "Taeyeon-unnie helped me get over you. And when I finally fell for her, I never looked back anymore."

Yongsun felt those words like a knife that stabbed her chest. And she didn't even know what happened between that night and the present.

"I'm glad you hurt me or else I wouldn't learn how to love another person like how much I love Taeyeon-unnie."

Yongsun wanted to cry. She couldn't believe she was hearing these things from Wheein. The girl who loved her and who she loved the most was now telling her she had moved on from her? How was this even possible?

That night, Yongsun thought it could change everything...but something else happened after that night?

"Unnie, can you kindly tell Taeyeon-unnie to come here?" She told Yongsun. "Tell her I need her, I feel unwell."

Yongsun fought the tears in her eyes from falling but as soon as she bid goodbye to Wheein and closed the restroom door behind, she started crying.

Moonfairy who was about to leave the reception hall saw Yongsun and clapped her hand to freeze everything.

Yongsun fell to her knees on the floor crying, asking herself what she did wrong? How did she hurt Wheein? And why did she do it?

"I guess it didn't turn out well, Yongsummer-unnie?" Moonfairy asked softly.

"Don't call me that!" Yongsun screamed at her and continued crying.

Moonfairy ignored her shouting and just sat on the floor next to her, patting her back. Trying to hush her.

"I don't know what I did to hurt her," Yongsun said. "Can you please atleast tell me?"

"You really want to know?" Moonfairy asked.

"Please tell me."

"You cheated on her," Moonfairy said.

"I would never cheat on her!"

"But, sadly, you did."


"A few months after that night, your company sent you to a six-month business trip in London," Moonfairy explained. "And you were so alone and lonely. Away from everyone, away from Wheein. And you were needing somebody and... it was a one time thing like a one-night stand."

"How did I--"

"Shit happens. Life happens." Moonfairy said. "Humans make mistakes. But sometimes they make the mistakes that destroy them."

"How did Wheein know about that?"

"You felt so guilty and confessed it to her the next day," Moonfairy said. "She was young and only knew about love but not of forgiveness. It was Taeyeon who taught her forgiveness."

Yongsun cried, it felt like her entire existence was a joke. That life was a big prank and it was driving her to insanity.

"If only I could give you another chance to slip back time, I would." Moonfairy said. "But that would cost my entire existence, renounce being a fairy."

Moonfairy stood up and left sobbing Yongsun to walk towards Hyejin.

"It's such a pity I don't even get to know you," Moonfairy touched Hyejin's cheek. "Nobody has ever made it difficult for me to leave except you. I wish you can hear me now."

Yongsun stood up back to her feet and thought of Wheein needing Taeyeon right now. And so she must do Wheein's small favor.

But Moonfairy was looking at Hyejin like she was trying to etch Hyejin's face in her memory.

"I have to tell Taeyeon-unnie Wheein needs her in the restroom. Unfreeze everything now," Yongsun said, still sobbing and wanting to hurry up everything and get over with it. "Then we can all part ways."

Maybe Yongsun had fully accepted her defeat.

She thought it would be unfair that after all Taeyeon and Wheein had gone through together, she would just snatch Wheein away from Taeyeon. Like going back in time was some form of cheating on the situation to get Wheein back and Yongsun felt so bad about it.

"Come on, Moonfairy. Let's get over with this," she said. "Go back to your fairyland and I just wanna go home and cry."

"What if I decide to renounce my fairiness so I can be with Hyejin and you can go back for the last time?"

"Wha-what?" Yongsun's mouth fell open.

Moonfairy looked at her.

Yongsun looked at her, wanting to hit Moonfairy if she was just joking about it.

"It wouldn't be easy, you'll have to give up everything you have now and start over, starting from that night," Moonfairy explained.

Maybe she wasn't joking after all, Yongsun thought.

"Because this last chance you can't go back anymore. I won't be a fairy anymore to pull you back to the present," Moonfairy warned. "Will you still do it?"

"How is that even possible? What about the present me?"

"Exactly," Moonfairy exclaimed. "The present you will continue to live your life from this point onwards. And the you who will go back can create another parallel world where you end up with the woman you love."

Yongsun thought this was something she would not even think twice about.

Wheein and Taeyeon deserved the happiness that they had now together. She didn't want to intervene with that anymore. They were happy now, let them be.

Yongsun could only hope that her present self would survive this kind of heartbreak and that she could find someone else to love. And to be loved.

She might not have ended with Wheein here but she would definitely take the chance to be with her in another place. Even when uncertainty was high, even if she had to leave everything behind.

Yongsun knew Wheein was worth all that sacrifice.

"Are you taking my offer?" Moonfairy asked.

"Just give me a moment," Yongsun replied.

"Okay," Moonfairy just watched Yongsun.

Yongsun walked over to Hyejin and hugged her tight, "I will miss my Hyegi."

And Yongsun was again tearing up.

When she pulled away, she told Moonfairy, "Take good care of her. She just appears to be strong and funny but she's very sensitive and soft and sweet."

Moonfairy nodded, she too was starting to tear up. "I will."

"And make sure she stays away from furry pets, she's allergic to them!"

"Yes, I'll take note of that." Moonfairy had to look up to the ceiling to prevent her tears from falling.

"Wait a second," Yongsun tried to calm compose herself. "I'll just say my goodbye to Wheein."

Yongsun went back to the restroom and looked at Wheein's face.

She cupped her cheek with her palm and just said, "I love you and I'm sorry. Have a good life with Taeyeon-unnie."

She tiptoed and planted a sweet kiss on Wheein's forehead. A kiss of love and letting go.

"Goodbye, my Wheeinie."

She looked at her for one las time. Those smiling eyes, the lone dimple on her cheek. She would see Wheein again. And she would make it right this time.

Then she bid her goodbye.

Yongsun rejoined Moonfairy in the reception hall and saw her still staring at Hyejin, eyes full of admiration and yearning.

It was the first time she had ever seen somebody look at Hyejin like that. And that was when Yongsun knew she could entrust Hyejin to this Moonfairy.

"And one last thing," Yongsun said. "Please make sure I tell Taeyeon that Wheein feels unwell in the restroom."

"Yes, ma'am!"

"Can I also ask a small favor?"

"Oh fairy gods, you have too many favors already."

"I know it would take some time for myself to get over this heartbreak," Yongsun said. "Can you and Hyejin visit me at home from time to time?"

"That's no problem," Moonfairy said. "I'll take care of it. Now if you speak of another request one more time--"

"Got it," Yongsun said.

"You know the drill, Yongsummer-unnie."

Yongsun nodded at her, even more determined. Hope and love filled her heart, and she screamed for the very last time...

