
Project partners

(Elena P.O.V)

He is so annoying, no matter what I do he never leaves me alone. I am glad I reject his offer, now he will stay away from me knowing I am not that type of girl who will fall for his charm, well not anymore. My classes go as usual.

Now I am sitting in my physics class and waiting for the class to began when I feel someone sit beside me and I turn to see Alex sitting beside me.

"Should know it was you," I said annoyed by his presence.

"What was that supposed to mean?" he asks.

"You know, I have expected you sitting with your friends," I said with a sigh.

"Why?" he asks.

"Because you know.....they are popular and so is you," I said while smiling at him.

"So, what does being popular have to do with me sitting here," he asks.

"Well I am not popular and your friends might think you are not cool with sitting next to me," I said in a duh tone. Isn't it obvious, I ask myself.

"Are you serious---," he was about to say something but cut off by her girlfriend.

"Hey, Alex why don't you said next to me?" she asks while waving her hand towards him.

"Go ahead sit next to her I don't mind... it looks like she wants you too," I said while chuckling at him. He looks at her then looks back at me again.

"No, I will stay right here with you," he said surprising me.

"Suit yourself," I said while shrugging my shoulders at him and looking forward at the board.

"Did he just ignored me?" she asked herself and look forward.

"Okay class today we will be doing a packet of 200 questions of physics and they are not easy too," Mrs. Conner said while entering the class and putting his stuff on the desk and whole class groans at him.

"I know, I know, but don't worry since these questions are hard you will get to work with your partner," Mrs. Conner said to them and the whole class stands up to choose their partner.

"Now, before any of you start to move, your partner will not be of your choice," Mrs. Conner said stopping them on there way.

"What?" the whole class asks.

"Your partner will be the person you sitting next to," Mrs. Conner said and whole class groans again while getting to there previous seats.

"It looks like we are partners," Alex said while looking at me.

"Great!" I said sarcastically. Mrs. Conner distributes the paper and we started solving it. I ignored him every time he tries to talk to me. My whole day in schools goes like this in trying to ignoring him, his very presence is started to annoy me now.

I was standing in front of my locker putting my books in it and taking the books which I am going to need it at home for homework and learning work when he comes back to me to annoy me again.

"Hey, how about I walk you to your home," he asks standing next to my locker.

"Now, why would you want to do that?" I asked playing along with him.

"So that you won't be alone," he said to me.

"I won't be, because I get picked up from school," I said while smirking at him.

"By who?" he asks looking angry.

"By my dad, duh,?" I said and started walking out of the locker room.

"Maybe you can ask your dad not to pick you up today?" he asks walking alongside me and that was it for me.

"Look, just because we are partners in the class and I talked to you does not mean that we are friends.. got it?" I ask while facing him.

"Got it!" he said with a sigh.

"Good now my ride is here, I will take my leave," I said and walk out of the school building to my dad's car. I open the door of the car, take a seat and close the door loudly.

"You okay?" he asks.

"Yeah, I'm okay just want to go home," I said and laid back in the seat to calm down myself.

"Okay," he said and drive away towards home.
