Chapter 1

Another year has ended, quickly enough to leave all the memories behind and start looking forward to a new chapter in my life. Actually, I'm looking forward to a new beginning because my parents decided to move.

Where we lived many embarrassing things has happened for the past 4 years we've been there so I sure regret a lot of what happened and I didn't want to go back there. Starting new is exciting yet frightening because of the creepy countryside town— Montville—that my father decided for us to live in. Honestly, what the fuck was my dad thinking?

The only thing I like about the place is it's nearer to our favorite amusement park—Merriwonderland—only about 7 hours of driving compared to the city where we have a road trip for approximately 1-2 days depending on the traffic.

"Luna, come and help me with the dishes." I silently groan and lazily stood up to head out of the living room. My brother wickedly sticks his tongue out of his mouth to make fun of me and I glare at him. "Watch out," I whispered and warned to him. "You're next."

"Kai, help your father!"

I snickered after my mom called for him too and he sticks up his middle finger at me, rolling his eyes while he stands up and walk away from the living room.

That's my wonderful big brother who still acts like a rebellious teenager despite being in his 20s.

"Hey, mom." I greet her with a kiss on her cheek.

She nods at me and gestures to the dishes that needs to be dried with cloth.

I immediately did what I was told to do, not wanting to waste time trying to reason out with my mom to not do the dishes because I'm not like my big brother who has a big stupid mouth.

In the middle of wiping and storing the dishes back inside the cabinets, Mom asks me, "How are you handling the move?" She glances at me with a smile she always had that excudes optimism.

I shrug my lips, looking at the way the towel wipes the plate dry. "I'm looking forward to whatever is going to happen to us so I guess I'm excited."

But I can't tell her about the weird feelings that I shouldn't feel considering the fact that we will be living here for I don't know how long. I must stop these feelings because having these delusional thoughts will just freak myself out of nothing.

She starts blabbering away but I can't listen because the more I think about these feelings that makes my stomach churn in nervousness. I shake my head as if doing that can make all of my thoughts go away and it works so I resume on wiping the dishes.

I quietly sigh and glance at the window then look down again but something was outside so I look up again with furrowed brows.

A girl was standing in front of the window, bizarrely wearing a porcelain mask in the sunny garden. I can't help but lean closer to the window to see her clearer.

Who is she? Why is she wearing a creepy mask?

"Mom, " I call out while still staring at the girl who stare right back. "There is a creepy girl outside." I quietly say.

"What? Who?" I gesture to the window and back away a little bit. Her head covers my sight from how close she leans towards the window but I am a more than glad because the girl is staring right through me if she can see my soul, if that makes sense.

"I don't like the way she's staring and standing at my garden—Honey! Come here!" She hastily shouts for my dad while slightly glaring at the girl.

We waited but dad didn't answer so she looks at me and orders me not to move from my spot to make sure the girl doesn't move from her spot too. I wait patiently but I am anxious and scared with the creepy girl and her porcelain mask.

I flinched and my eyes widened when she waves at me and even though she is wearing a mask, I can see and feel her wicked smile. I glare at her, judging her while shivers goes down my spine.

What the fuck was she doing? Do we even know her?

She bends down and picks up a paper which letters were written in either blood or red ink. She shows it to me with trembling hands.