Chapter 16

Hopefully, the man has escaped from whoever was chasing him and whoever caused the way the clown looks. I just hope that he'll find the secret spot that I told him and he'll be okay but he needs to hide there until someone rescues him because if Ace was right, there are eyes everywhere and he can't act carelessly and just do whatever he wants because he'll be dead the second they see him. I don't know exactly what happened to him but I can guess that he knows a lot and they want to silence him, like those usual bad guys shit doings. But somehow, the clown knows me, assumingly, because he isn't that afraid of me like he knows something about me but I think it's probably because of the way I looked at him when I saw him. That poor guy...

When my family asked me about what I talked with the clown, I ignored them and flashed them a huge fake ass smile and they smiled back but I can see their irritated gazes, causing them to scold me while I just doze off and think about what more will I face. Matt though was scared of the clown, he said it was too real to be an act and I silently agreed but I told him that that's how he was supposed to act and it was supposed to look real so it will be more entertaining. He pouted while shaking his head, disagreeing. That's when I knew that Matt isn't like the rest of them. he's smart and strong. that's why I need to protect him and find answers so before anything can happen to him, everything will be fine and done.

Kai was bothering me for the whole ride but I ignored him too and he got bored because I wasn't interested in arguing with an asshole like him.

When we got closer and closer to the famous amusement park, everything becomes worse, everything was dull and nerve-wracking. I wanted to flee away with Matt. I inhaled deeply and heavily as we arrived there. Mom opened the window and exclaimed about how exciting it is to come back there, to the paradise of so many people. Everyone was obviously blinded by their excitement and it's really not that hard to pretend to be happy because their happiness is contagious so even if I was not happy, it's easy pretending to be like them, it was easy to fool them. I just wished my happiness is real.

The guards looked at me with their suspicious glares and my smile got wider, looking creepy as hell but I have to pretend just like what Ace has said. I managed to have direct eye contact with them the whole time that they started at me like creepy fools. After dad finally has found the invitation letter, they let us in and one of the guards clapped their hands excitedly while I was startled but I ignored him as his lips stretched even wider and his eyes that are staring at me, also widened. I almost whimpered at the sight of him but dad drove away before I can see them any longer.

They don't look humans at all. They are almost inhuman, with their dead and red eyes, their smiles, and their happiness almost seem too much to be true.

Matt beside me hid his face on my shoulder while I wrapped my arm around him and rubbed his back comfortingly.

"I'm scared, Luna. I don't like them." He whispered and from the corner of my eyes, I saw Kai, nodding, agreeing with what we both heard from the kid.

"Don't worry, sapphire. Me too but I'll protect you, yeah?" He looks up to me and my heart broke at the sight of his sad and scared blue eyes, he nods and snuggled closer to me while I continue rubbing his back.

How about Matt? Can he not pretend to be happy? Will he be okay if he's not always smiling and happy? I just hope that they won't hurt or even look at Matt or else I'll kill them myself even if they're some immortals Gods, I'll find a way to kill them no matter the consequences.

The sight before us outside of the car is really making me sick and tired. I can see people everywhere with the same dead twinkling eyes and the same large smiles, plastered on their faces. The circus music filled inside the car because of how loud it is, the dark sky that seems to fit the concept of what's going on inside this amusement park, the different colored bright lights, the laughing, the different rides, and the other things that used to be fun for me, all consumed my mind, fogging my mind and making me dizzy so I closed my eyes and tried focusing on breathing properly.

"Luna..." I heard dad calling me so I opened one eye and looked at him through the mirror and he smiled. "Make sure to rest when we got into the hotel." I nodded and closed my eyes again while I felt Matt getting heavier on my shoulder. I smiled genuinely, knowing that he is fast asleep.

I heard my phone ring and with my shaky hands, I picked it up and answered the phone.

"Lu! Mind if you meet with me later? Are you here yet?" Ace asked, having high energy despite all that's happening but I know he's like that because 'there are eyes everywhere'. He's just pretending and he's great at it.

I sighed heavily before opening my mind to talk. "Yes. I want to rest. I'll continue to find answers tomorrow. I'm tired and hungry. I'll just text you what time will we meet yeah? Okay bye." I hang up the phone before he can speak because I was so not in the mood to talk to him or to anyone else except for myself and Matt.

For now, I am trying to understand what is happening and why is it happening to us, to me?

I didn't waste any time walking off to the hotel. I immediately asked dad if I could go and he agreed because I was carrying Matt in my arms like a baby. Of course, I didn't get to leave before Kai kept teasing me that I look like Matt's mom. Mom just waved me off and kissed Matt on the forehead.

With Matt in my arms, I walked off towards the entrance of the hotel, again with a huge smile plastered on my face. Matt suddenly takes a fistful of my shirt and his brows pinched together while mumbling words that I couldn't understand. I continued walking even though he's in a situation that I'd like to stop walking and focused myself on him because I couldn't do that right now and people can see us. I glanced at him every now and then until I got inside and walked towards the receptionist. Everything inside was surprisingly quiet and very few people are sitting in the lounge area while conversing and grinning.

Both of them, a man and a woman, who are the receptionists both looked at each other when they saw me and slowly turned their heads towards me with large smiles while showing their teeth. I saw a glint of mischief in their eyes but I continued smiling even if they're weird and asked for our room numbers and for the key card.

Their terrifying eyes lingered on me for a few seconds before they answered me and before they looked away, I heard someone call my name. I didn't want to turn around but I did and saw Ace smiling and waving at me. He approached us while my cheeks heated, recalling the occurrences yesterday but because yesterday before he walked me home he also warned me about what to expect and what should I act, I gulped and looked away from him, quickly grabbing the key cards without thanking the two weird-ass humans.

Ace wrapped an arm around me and pulled me closer to him, brushing his lips on my forehead while my cheeks quickly reddened and I pulled away from him with a glare. "What are you doing? I'm carrying Matt and you're disturbing him!" I whispered loudly at him and he just shrugged while grinning playfully.

He looked down at Matt and smiled at him while wriggling his brows, annoyingly. "That's your son?"

"Idiot. Just leave if you're going to bother me." I snapped at him and he pouted but nodded.

"Fine, but let's meet again tomorrow, hmm?" He grabbed my head and stole a kiss before I can do anything so I sighed in disbelief and exhaustion while he laughs and quickly jogs away from me, leaving me a hot mess.

I just shook my head and continued walking until we finally got inside the room where Matt and I will stay. I placed him down on the bed and kissed him on his cheek while whispering: "I'm going to keep you safe, sapphire and not even mom, dad or Kai will hurt you." I knew he heard me when he wrapped his little fingers around my hands and pulled me closer to him.

But even though I want to sleep beside him, I think I have some more thinking to do and try to be smart for once to outsmart those who are messing my mind and life.

I just waited until I could felt he's sleep again and walked to the side of the room.

Listen, to think now, the girl with the porcelain mask isn't really the evil one here. For most of the time that I see her everything that she acts is like a silent warning to me. But I don't get why she was always following me. If that girl was really warning me and knows a lot too like Ace then she must be here too. She must be here too because she knows that I'm here together with my family.

I peeked in the window and frowned when I saw my family together with some strange men are all laughing together while Kai is just rolling his eyes and perhaps clicking his tongue in annoyance, his eyes are far away from what our parents are discussing with those creepy dudes in suits. I tried looking at them for the whole time that they talked but saw no clue or an idea if those men are one of those who are controlling everyone's mind. They're all acting naturally like long time friends except for their eyes and lips.

Kai is somehow not controlled too but why is no one bothering him or looking at him with those suspicious eyes? Is he that of an idiot so one likes him?

I chuckle at my thought but continued thinking and processing about some of the things and clues that I might have missed for these past few days.