It is now the second week of the month, about four to five days have already gone passed by and it looks like the winter season had just gone through and came into surprisingly unexpected without warning, even though they were ready and prepared to face it when it comes.
Eden was also surprised and shocked when it suddenly happened as the cold weather had just blazed into Z-city like a sudden sandstorm that breaks through and rages against the calm peace they thought to be having for the time being until it blasted in unexpectedly like that. Granted, the snowy blizzard wasn't that strong enough to be worried about, but it did frighten the children when the thick snow hailed down onto Safe Haven like large rocks falling from the sky itself as they banged loudly against the windows, almost on the verge of breaking and shattering them apart into pieces.
Fortunately, they haven't broken up yet, but in case it ever happens, Eden and the others worked on putting sturdy blockages against the windows and any other openings with strong metal sheets whenever the winter snowstorm rages, and Talia and Nadia were the only ones busy into caring for the children and comforting them as they got frightened during the scary snowy blizzards.
Not only that, even with the snowstorm, cold blizzards, and the worst kind of strong weather that's blowing through for the winter season of that month, Eden, Ryu, and Daiyu continued with their watch guard duties to ensure the safety and security in Safe Haven, despite that Mark and Homer have succeeded into improvising, fixing, and modifying the security measures and traps to keep the group safe in their living space.
Even though they're effective to the point of guarding the whole group, it's still not enough in Eden's opinion so she had to continue physical watching up on the rooftop but she knows better not to go up there whenever a storm or blizzard comes through raging in Z-city when the weather does. However, it seems a bit amusing that Ryu and Daiyu were stubborn and prideful to the point that they think they can get through the stormy weather, but they always got sick at the end of their guard shifts and duties when it happens.
And that made Sahara shake her head in worry and exasperation at the two men's stubbornness over it. But it looks like Eden didn't mind this as she kindly treated Ryu whenever he catches a cold while Sahara treats and takes care of her boyfriend. Even though Ole Bessie and Mother Ying were exchanging knowing sly glances towards Eden and Ryu like there was something brewing in them, both of them were unaware of this and seemed oblivious as Eden continued taking care of Ryu until he recovers and gets better.
But it looks like Eden knew better to give up than keep scolding sternly and firmly at Ryu to stop taking watch duties during the worst of the stormy weather whenever it does, during the past few days of that second week of the month at that very time. For she knew that he will continue doing so to ensure the safety of his group, even if it endangers his health.
Eden had to admire his stubbornness as she went through almost the same thing the year before when she was all on her own and needed to guard herself in an overly paranoid way since she was alone back then long ago. But now that she has a group, she has to care for and look after them, so that they can get through this stormy winter season as best they could until it's all over by the new year at the future time ahead of them.
On the first to the third days of that second week, it was ongoing stormy weather and a very strong blizzard at the time, but the weather became peaceful and quiet on the fourth and fifth days, even with the snow falling continuously, blanketing almost the entire Z-city with a blanket-like white icy surface by the scenery and sights of it.
On that fifth day exactly, Eden is sipping a nice warm thermos of the hot cocoa drink inside and she was relaxing in one of the rooms with an open window, looking out at the scenery of the city with a thoughtful look on her face like she's thinking of something deeper. It didn't take long for her to put down the traveling mug and take out the journal she brought with her and went on writing another new entry into it. As Eden wrote what had happened during the last few days before when the winter season had arrived so unexpectedly and surprisingly.
Hey, it's Eden again.
Ever thought that when you think that you're prepared for what's coming…it suddenly blows your way like a storm disturbing the calm which you thought would last a while?
Well, it happened anyway. And it was quite unexpected.
But then we managed to go through it and weather through this storm as best we could.
The winter season came for this second week of the month, and it was surprising that it was peaceful for one second and then the next, a snowstorm came blazing in with very strong gusts and winds, that I almost thought the building Safe Haven is about to fall and tilt over from the very stormy weather.
Nevertheless, we made it through during the past five days when the stormy weather and the snowy blizzards have gone through and went on until the fourth and fifth days, they had stopped and gone back to being peaceful, with a nice scene of Z-city being covered almost completely with snow.
I didn't have to worry about any zombie types that might come out and roam about since their weaknesses are the very cold icy weather, as well as it also slows them down from their usual undead movements and roaming wanderers.
Still, I didn't let down my guard and kept on watching for any dangers or threats when it comes to my group staying in Safe Haven, as well as Ryu and Daiyu did the same when we take shifts and turns in the watch guard duties and such.
But then I knew better than to stay inside when stormy weather or a big blizzard comes raging in, and Ryu and Daiyu were so stubborn to keeping guard still, that I internally shook my head in exasperation when they catch colds or get a little ill from being caught by the weather storm and everything.
Sahara was also annoyed at this as well, even though she's fussing worriedly for her boyfriend when he got sick with a low fever and then took care of him. While I kindly did the same with Ryu when he suffered as well, he was too stubborn to continue guarding even with a low fever, so I had to be firm and stern with him that he needed to rest and recover first before he gets worse with his sickness.
It worked slightly when I told him off and so about it but by the time he had recovered, he quickly resumed his duties of watching over his group and guarding them in Safe Haven, much to my surprise and slight exasperation over his determination and stubbornness.
Nothing much has happened so far, besides the parts of us taking shelter safely inside Safe Haven while the weather storms through into Z-city, and we fortified it more by placing metal sheets and blockages so that the windows in the building wouldn't break or shatter into pieces from the strong winds and hailing gusts from the icy stormy weather.
When it became peaceful on the last previous days before, my group relaxed and believed that it will be calm and peaceful from now on in the future on days ahead. But I know better than to dash their hopes upon thinking that it's not that simple and easy already since there's bound to be possible threats and dangers that might come to us in Safe Haven without warning or something.
Well, I guess that's all there is to it then here. Next time again on the new entry, it might be about me writing any sort of surprising events that have happened here in Z-city, besides the recent weather shocks, and I'm hoping and praying that it won't be something bad that will taint the kind of good we had been feeling so far, even weathering through the snowy storm as we go through it back then.
Until then, this is Eden signing off.
After Eden finished writing the entry, she put the journal back onto her person so that she'll put it back in its hiding place in her room later on. Once she put it back tucked on herself, she resumed her position in looking out through the window, seeing the snowy scenery before her eyes with the still thoughtful look on her face like she's thinking deeply over something again.
It seems that she's wondering what else is going to happen in the days ahead of the future when it does, and hopes that nothing bad or something worse is going to happen to her and her group in Safe Haven. There's no telling what is in store for all of them in the future time, but Eden seemed to be determined to go through this with her group and somehow survive through the winter season until the new year.
No matter how much more weather shocks might happen, Eden is sure and confident that they'll go through it without hardship and difficulty. And they will be prepared and be ready for anything if something happens or not.