

"The soul, fortunately, has an interpreter - often an unconscious

but still a faithful interpreter - in the eye." ― Charlotte Brontë, Jane Eyre

(Tirchanus' POV)

We have heard this a million times: "The eyes are the windows to the souls."

Our bodies may seem to pretend to disagree or agree but the eyes never lie. They speak of what is real and what is true; what is deceiving or what is authentic. Have you ever looked into the eyes of someone and just got lost in the galaxy God handcrafted in just a compact space? Have you adored how they shine and shimmer under the moonlight as you hold each other? Have you not said one word for the entirety of the moment but just look into each other's eyes and understand the language it is speaking? No words, no sound but just the look in one's eyes is enough to send you in full high; that unexplainable feeling of being lifted up from the ground and being lightweight.

Yes, in my entire experience, I have come to know that the eyes are indeed the windows to our souls…

…but what if they show something that seems too good to be true? What if the eyes see a particular picture that you couldn't imagine you'd be looking at?

…what if…