In the Club

Today I turn 21. Nothing changes besides getting old and having a boring life. My friends enjoy getting wasted and hooking up with random guys, except me. I'm more of a good girl that stays home on a Friday night studying instead of going out and clubbing. My best friend Amy insisted that I had to come to the club with her. Since today was my birthday it was a must that I had to go. Which I agreed to go. I wanted to be like those 21 year old girls who would go all crazy. I wanted to have fun tonight! Get drunk, dance all night, and hook up with some random guy and lose my virginity for once. I have had boyfriends before, but I actually haven't done the dirty with them yet. Tonight that's my wish.


'Hands up, and suddenly we all got our hands up

No control of my body

Ain't I seen you before?

I think I remember those eyes, eyes, eyes, eyes

Cause baby tonight,

The D-J got us fallin' in love again

Yeah, baby tonight the D-J got us fallin' in love again

So dance, dance, dance,

like it's the last, last night of your life, life

I walked back to our table, tired of dancing. Damn I should of brought extra shoes with me, my high heels are killing me. Taking a seat I glanced over at the dance floor all my friends are dancing. Amy was grinding on some random blond dude. Who by the way was grinding his groin and grabbing her butt. Emily, my second best friend was making out with a dude.

I got up and made my way towards the bar.

"Can I have two shots of Vodka, please?" I asked the bartender guy.

He placed my drink in front of me, I gulped it down fast. Ignoring the burning sensation, I put my hand up trying to get the bartender's attention. I wanted to get drunk, and forget about my boring life.

Before the bartender turned around, I felt a hand wrapped around mine. Confused I pulled my hand away, almost falling out from my stool. Gladly, the mysterious man saved me from falling and embarrassing myself. If I fall, he's coming down too. I thought to myself.

"Don't you think you have had enough, sweetie" the mysterious man whispered in my ear. He had a very deep husky voice that can make any female girl's leg melt.

"What?" I managed to say.

I turned around to see the mysterious man. I looked up to see his brown eyes. He was very tall. Compared to my 5'4 small frame. He seemed to be a successful businessman by the way he dressed.

He let out a small chuckled, "I said that you have had enough for today, don't you think, sunshine"

"Excuse me? You don't have the right to tell me when I have had enough" I tried sounding mad, which wasn't even close to it. Since I was half sober and half drunk. I was feeling fragile in his arms and my body wasn't acting like my own. Daymn you body! I was craving his body, his touch. What's happening to me?

He raised his eyebrow, it looked like he was reading my mind. He knew the effect he was giving me. Was he a mind reader?

"You heard me, princesa" he said bringing me closer to him. I loved the feeling I was getting. His cute nicknames he was giving me. I don't want to admit it, but he was giving me this feeling that none of my past boyfriends gave me. Ever. The feeling of protection, love, and desire.

I wanted him to take me and claim me as his. I was imagining the things he would do to me in bed. How it would feel to have him inside of me tangled in his bed. Wow, it must be the alcohol effect or something. Control yourself Scarlett! He's just a stranger, he could have a girlfriend or even a wife for all I know.

"I need to leave" I said. Trying to fight this feeling in between my legs. I can't let my body take over.

"Okay. Goodbye and my apologies for anything I have said." He said and walked away.

I turned around to see him for one last time. I felt sadness when he left. Isn't that what I wanted in the first place? I just ruined my chances of being with him.

I walked back to the table where my friends were at.

"What are you doing?" Amy asked.

"What do you mean?" I said confused.

"Why did you let that guy leave? And don't act innocent with me. I saw you with that super hottie" she said smirking.

"I don't know. I'm scared okay!" I whispered. Today was my chance and I totally blew it.

"Aww babe, give me a honest answer. Do you want him?" She asked. Already knowing the answer.

"Yes, but I'm a coward okay! And plus he must of left already" I said feeling defeated.

"Are YOU sure about that babe?" She said laughing and pointed towards a table where the mysterious man was at.

I slowly turned to where she was pointing and saw him sitting down with a drink in his hand. Glancing over where I was.

"He's been staring at you since you made your way to the table" she said.

"What if he doesn't want me?" I asked, taking my eyes away from him.

"Babe, if he didn't, he wouldn't have that look on his eye. As if you are the only girl in this room right now " she said smiling.

"Don't think about it too much babe. If you want him and to him. If not don't, I don't want you to regret this opportunity." She said hugging me.

"Okay" I managed to said. I started making my way towards him slowly. He put his drink down on the table and watched me like a hawk. Like if he was a predator ready to prey on his victim, which was me.

"What are you doing here, babe" he slowly asked as I reached his side.

"I'm here to beg you to f*ck me" I wanted to say.

"Umm..." I didn't know what to say. My face was probably red from embarrassment. I didn't dare looking at him. I felt his finger underneath my chin as he slowly raised my face till my eyes made contact to his.

"Hi" I managed to say. My voice was small. I doubt he hear me.

"What's your name, babe" he said smiling at me showing me his beautiful smile.

"My name is Scarlett" I said licking my lips nervously. When was I ever nervous around males. He had this affect on me that I couldn't control. He brought his eyes on my lips. I heard a low groan from him.

He got my hand and brought it up to his lips and placed a small kiss on my palm. I wish that kiss were on my lips instead.

"What a pretty name for a pretty lady. I'm Emilio" he said smiling again. Oh god! Was he handmade by god himself?

He pulled me closer to his body. He opened his legs and I let out a gasp as felt his hard c*ck as I was standing between his legs.

"This is the effect you have on me, princesa. Tell me what you want. I won't do anything you don't feel like doing" he said in my ears.

I felt myself getting wetter by the second. This was my chance and he was willing to give it to me.

"I want you"