Entering the tomb.

When Sindy and I arrived at the door of the tomb there were some strange designs painted on the door.

I didn't know what it was, but it must probably be something we have to do to get into the tomb.

Since Sindy has been here before, I'm sure she'll be able to open this door easily.

If I had come here alone I would be in trouble right now, I would have been trying to get in for a long time and would end up suffering the penalty.

"Do you know how to open the door?" I asked expecting a positive answer, as I would not like to suffer another penalty, as this time the penalty could come much worse.

Sindy probably knew how to open the door, but still, I was restless.

"Yes, it's very easy," Sindy answered while smiling at me.

Good thing I brought her with me, because it's less than half an hour before the penalty arrives, and if I don't get into the tomb I'll be in trouble.

##### // #####

Sindy started fiddling with the door and started fiddling with the drawings.

She began to touch the drawings in order, and all the drawings she touched began to glow in strong silver color.

She began to touch and form a drawing.

When she finished selecting the designs, the designs together formed the figure of a bird.

It was a bird that looked like a horse, but had huge wings on its back and also had a huge beak.

"Griffin?" It could only be Griffin I saw in fantasy stories.

I don't know how Sindy decorated this whole system, but I thank her for opening the door for me, as it saved me a penalty.

And that would make me suffer, even more, I'm sure of it.


As the door began to open, it began to make a loud cracking sound, but when I looked I saw no stone breaking.

'Must be normal.' I expected it to be a normal sound because I wouldn't want to be buried inside a cave I don't even know, that would be terrifying.

After that, I followed Sindy into the cave.


[System Message]

Mission 2 completed.

Rewards: 100 EXP, 100 GOLD

Experience required to level up - 256/300


I have finally completed this mission and will not need to be punished, but now that we are here we will keep going deeper into the tomb.

This may be a good idea and may have some rewards for exploring the tomb.

When we entered it was dark, but suddenly all the cave lights began to come on.

It wasn't lights, they were torches of fire, it looked like we were in medieval times.

It was full of torches on the walls, it was just like a castle the dungeons of stories.

The space we were going through wasn't too big, it was a small corridor so we had to walk one after another and we couldn't walk side by side.

We continued to walk down the hall taking the utmost care, in fact only I was being careful because Sindy was walking normally.

"Are there no pitfalls around here?" I asked Sindy why I was worried because if there were pitfalls here we could be caught off guard.

Sindy was still walking, it seems she was distracted and didn't hear my question, so I decided to ask again, and this time she listened.

"There are no traps in this tomb, there are only monsters ahead, there are also many rooms in this tomb, and each room you advance will appear stronger monsters," Sindy explained it to me.

Looks like it's like a dungeon of fantasy worlds? Some rooms are getting harder and harder to pass, just like dungeon floors.

It looks like there are 30 rooms in this tomb and no one ever made it to the end of it, the most people could do was room 22.

It is said that from room 22 things get so difficult that only a large group of A-rank adventurers can get through.

Sindy told me that there aren't many A-rank adventurers so I think they'll be a long time without knowing what's beyond room 22.


After some time walking down a corridor we arrived in the first room.

It was very similar to the cave I was in, it was all made of stone and we could see some sparkles on the walls.

"Be careful, there are monsters in every room," Sindy said as she went on guard.

From what Sindy said, the first-floor monsters are very weak, but even I don't want to be caught off guard and end up with some damage here.

We were walking around the room and suddenly I felt something coming from behind, and when I turned around I saw a little green man as tall as a child coming towards me.


[System Message]

Monster: Goblin

Level 6

Strength: 21

Agility: 17


He was very ugly, his face looked like it had been punched several times, it was a horrible thing to see, but is it the right time to think about it? If I don't do something I will be attacked.

As the goblin approached I decided to test one of the fight moves I had learned.

Yes, in my old life I practiced wrestling at school, I didn't fight very well, but I wasn't the weakest so I had a good fighting quality, and since this body is strong, I think it will be all right.

The goblin approached and I swung my leg towards his head, and when my foot hit his head, his head exploded into a thousand pieces.

"Ooh, that was cool." Sindy who was a little away spoke.

I was also surprised at my power, though it would hurt the goblin, but killed him instantly.

I approached the goblin's body again and let the experience enter my chest.

I felt that wonderful feeling again and another message came from the system.


[System Message]

Experience gained: 7

Objective for Level 4 - 263/300


I was close to leveling up, so I think it would be a good idea to keep exploring this tomb.