Wagering Your Soul

Michael recalled that he had never given Deus his name but finding out his name on the internet was not that difficult. His company was registered under his full name after all.

"Okay, I'm a believer. Can you send me back now, Deus?" Michael requested after spending a full day exploring the world that he had spent years programmed. It was a quite interesting experience.

Everything within this digital world was bright and sunny, forever beautiful just like he had envisioned it all those years. The twin suns actually sailed across the sky, simulated exotic day and night cycle.

The trees and their countless leaves actually swayed back and forth by the projected weather patterns circulating around the globe.

Even the dirt under his feet shifted as simulated tiny insects burrowed underneath.

"Huh? Don't you want to stay?" Deus asked while taking a bite out of a juicy apple.

There were foods in the game since health recovery was necessary for fighting monsters, but despite that, the eating animation was never programmed. It was silly to spend time to program every single little thing, especially cosmetic animations. There were plans to add those cosmetics animations later on through the usage of downloadable content (DLC).

Unfortunately, those plans were no longer viable, considering the current state of the game.

"No. Not really," Michael answered and rubbed his temple. He could feel every strand of hair upon his head. This digital world was too real for his liking, and that alone terrified him.

In his mind, games should remain as games. The real world is the real world. Those two things should never crossover, no matter what.

"Why don't you want to stay, Michael?" Deus asked while tilting his head innocently. "Do you not like it here? It is the world that you yourself created, isn't it?"

"It is, and I do like seeing my creation, but… there's really nothing to do here," Michael responded.

"Hah! Exactly! Yup! Yup!" Deus called out and took another bite out of the apple. He seemed to relish in the taste even if it wasn't real, at least Michael was sure that it wasn't real.

In Michael's eyes, everything surrounded him wasn't real, and he wanted to get out this digital world before he lost himself in the delusion.

"As beautiful as this utopia is, it is really boring," Deus stated after he swallowed. "If a world is all that peaceful where everyone is in complete mutual understanding, working towards a common goal and future, then it will also be boring. Dreadfully boring."

Michael arched his brow. He understood what Deus was saying, at least a little. "Are you saying that…"

"Uh huh," Deus said with a nod. "Individuality makes thing interesting, but people won't stay around unless there is something that interested them and keep them here. Isn't that right?"

Michael agreed. It was human nature after all.

"I know that. I know that," Michael said. "So many things went wrong during development. So many choices that shouldn't have been considered. Don't you think I don't know that? If only they give me a chance, then I would create the best game they have ever seen! Best game anyone has ever seen!"

Michael did not know what had just came over him. He had been incredible stressed lately, especially knowing his dream was never going to be realized. He really hated the fact that despite how hard he tried, how much he sacrificed, it was never good enough.

"And I think you could do it," Deus said, completely impassive. He finished his apple as Michael calmed down from the outburst. "Do you want to play a game with me, Michael?"

"Do I have to bet my soul or anything?"

Michael joked, trying to make fun of his current situation. His company was going under. His personal life was in a shamble. He had no saving and no property under his name. He really didn't want to crawl back to his parents, asking them for financial help, but what other choice did he have?

"Since you say so, we will use your soul as a wager. It is not like you have anything else worth betting," Deus said nonchalantly.

Michael dropped his jaw. "Heh… you're joking right? Is there such thing as a soul?"

Deus smiled. It was a mischievous smile. A devilish smile. "Maybe. Maybe not. If there is no such thing as soul, then you have nothing to worry about, Michael. It is just a game after all."

"Wait. Wait. I was joking," Michael said in a panic. While he did not believe there was a soul, he wasn't completely certain. In the event that he was wrong, and there was something called a soul, he would be betting away his existence. "Can we bet something else instead?"

"No," Deus said with a headshake. "A soul is a good wager. It will be all or nothing, but you don't need to be all that afraid, Michael. I will not give you an impossible task. Just get at least 90% of the people of your world playing this game, and I will consider it is your win."

Michael dropped his jaw even lower. That was an impossible task.

No. It was beyond impossible!