The Master of the Damned

Nevertheless, Michael did not do anything further until his rage finally subsided. Not completely since that would take forever. Still, it should be within manageable level. Such a strong emotion would only serve to blind him, and with the limitless power he currently wielded, seeking justice for Eric Cromwell wasn't going to be that difficult.

The only hard part was minimizing collateral damage. No need to kill anyone other than those directly involved with the unjust execution.

And from his memory, there were only a handful of people at that.

Michael looked skywards once more, seeing the mouth of the chasm. Despite the vast magical energy swirling within him skeletal form, giving it a dark ominous aura, he still could not use any of his divine abilities. He was referring to the abilities that was granted to him by Deus.

Switching into a bird and flying out of the chasm was so easy, but nope. He could not do that since he could not switch his avatar without any mana.

There were many types of magical energies, and the one that Michael required to active those abilities were divine energies, which could only be gained through very specific methods, mainly worshipping.

Michael seemed to understand that now, and his mind immediately formulated several plans on how to get them. He did have a believer in the form of Rebecca, and he was planned to acquire more since it seemed fairly easy.

More believers would mean more power. More power would mean he could do a lot more things.

It was a good incentive. It might be the intoxication brought on by the incredible power he was feeling right now, and it did not feel so bad. Not bad at all.

While Michael could not use those abilities, he could, however, cast any spells that Eric Cromwell knew before he died. Strangely enough, despite what Eric had denied at his execution, the man knew great many black spells.

Those spells were commonly referred to as Black Arts by the public. Its actual name was Demonic Arts, which was taught by demons when they could freely invade this world. Demons could still invade this world if they were powerful enough, but there were other worlds with greater magical potential than this one.

It was simply not worth the effort, at least for powerful demons.

Good thing that Earth did not have magic, but that could change in the future. Somehow, Michael just knew it. It might simply be a hunch.

How Eric Cromwell knew so many demonic spells still eluded Michael, but he would know in time once the foreign set of memories had fully integrated with his own. He did not like the idea one bit as doing so would change him at his core. He would no longer be himself, psychologically.

Michael just hoped that if he completed this task quickly, the damage to his psych would be minimal.

Of course, if he could remove the foreign memory all together while retaining the knowledge on magic and anything related to magic would be great. He would have to ask the Spellcaster Source about that once his task was done.

To that end, Michael channeled his vast magical power and activated a spell. The moment that he did, his aura exploded outwards, spiraling into a massive incantation circle, radiating eerie black lights onto everything.

"Rise," Michael ordered, and the countless skeletons before him rattle noisily, rising upwards and into an upright position.

The undead army was quite a sight to behold, and it terrified Michael. Despite being a skeleton mage, he was still human deep inside. It was already terrifying finding himself in this dark and deep chasm in the first place, completely surrounded by human remains, let alone something like this.

Knowing the fact that these were his summons, Michael swallowed his fear and reached out his hand towards one of the moving skeletons. He grabbed one of them, turning it into pixels before absorbing those pixels into himself.

A new model was added to his assets library as a result, allowing him to spawn it within his world. He could spawn it in the outside world as well, but it would cost mana. Mana that he did not have at the moment.

Michael proceeded to assimilate more skeletons to unlock more variations to the model. Once he was satisfied with the variations, he commanded his undead army to literally pile onto each other against the wall, forming a ladder all the way to the top of the chasm.

It was more like a pyramid. A pyramid made of bones, and it would, ironically, lead him to his freedom.

Michael walked to the base of the ladder, stepping onto several skeletons that joined together to form a platform for him. More skeletons came together and raised the platform over their shoulder before climbing up the pyramid.

It took a while for the platform to reach the top, and when it finally did, Michael simply stepped off of it and onto the blood-stained earth.

There, Michael was stunned into silence. His eyes could not remove themselves at the hordes of what appeared to be zombies, and the zombies didn't seem be bothered by his present.

Probably because they were more interested in gnawing on flesh, but it was also because he was also an undead. He was one of their kind.

"What…?" Michael eventually uttered as he checked what remained of the nearby settlement. It was more like a military outpost, designed to fight against whatever incursion came from the chasm.

Since there were monsters roaming around, the outpost must have been destroyed.

Michael knew that he was not the first undead to arisen, but he did not think any of them was powerful enough to break through the defenses and then massacred the soldiers and people, turning everyone into monsters.

And with the monsters still around, the undead plague must have spread quite far. Nearby Kingdoms should have already sent an army or a party of adventures to take care of the problem otherwise.

Why didn't they? These monsters weren't really a big threat as far as threats to humanity go.

One of the zombies came close to Michael, making him tense up. It growled at him before he grabbed it and then disassembled it into pixels. He immediately absorbed those pixels, acquiring a new model in his asset library.

Michael suppressed his fear and proceeded to collect more zombies models.

He wasn't sure whether he should spawn zombies and skeletons into his world, but having the option was better than not. Besides, it was helping him getting over his fear of zombies.

Help him trained his power too.

A voice interrupted Michael before he could collect enough variations to the model, however. It wasn't coming inside his head, but rather, it was in the sky.

Once Michael looked up to see who it was, he quickly made himself scarce. He knew why there wasn't anyone coming here to clean up the undead mess. It was because of …

"I had sensed a very powerful undead here, but it is gone now," mumbled the humanoid being with a pair of jet-black wings. It landed on the ground before looking around, trying to sense where Michael was hiding.

And from its appearance, it was obviously a demon. A very powerful one. That would explain why this area was infested with undead.