
Adultery's the Go!

(A Song before the time of the New Divorce Court.)

When we were boys the world was good,

But that is long ago;

Now all the wisest folks are lewd

For Adultery's the go.

The go, the go, the go,

Adultery's the go!

Quite tired of leading virtuous lives,

Though spotless as the snow.

Among the chaste and pious wives,

Adultery's the go.

The go, the go, the go, &c.

Long life then to the House of Lords.

They know a thing or two;

You see from all their grand awards,

That Adultery's the go.

The go, the go, the go, &c.

And Lady Barlow, Mrs. Hare.

Case, Clarke, and Bolders;

Teed, Ashton, James, and all declare

Adultery's the go.

The go, the go, the go, &c.

Some husbands still are jealous,

And guard the furbelow,

But spite such prudish fellows.

Adultery's the go.

The go, the go, the go, &c.

Horn'd cuckolds were mad raging bulls,

A century ago;

Now, they're tame oxen, silly fools,

For Adultery's the go.

The go, the go, the go, &c.

Then, hey for Doctors' Commons,

With horned beasts arow;

For man's delight, and woman's,

Adultery's the go.