

If anxious Venus, beauty's queen!

Your empire should endure.

Borrow Cecilia's face and mien,

Our homage to ensure.

Though perfect all the charms may seem,

That famed Apelles drew.

Not half so sweet are they, I deem.

As fair Cecilia's Cu.

The feelings of my faithful heart

My mouth shall still express,

Upon that Cu-, delicious part.

In rapture's wild caress.

Oh! ye, who ne'er disquiet felt,

Nor aught but virtue knew.

Whence is it? But your eye ne'er dwelt

Upon Cecilia's Cu.

Cecilia, think not, from my brain,

The souvenir can remove,

Of thy sweet Cu, 'twill there remain,

Imprinted fast by Love!

But if my thread of life should break,

Expire thy lover true.

May I flight 'mid kisses take,

Imprinted on thy Cu!