The Demon look Sad. For a moment his eyes were lost then with a great sigh he began to speak.
" Dear tou don't most be here. I don't have choises now... I need keep you here. So I will tell you everything and It not to be a beautiful history, but it is all the true."
"Dad, you can trust me. Please don't make me forgot everthing again. My life after you leave don't have colors and I never know why."
"First you need know that I am the second son 's for Tagnarie family. The heir is always that who has the lineage of the dark mind. My Dad had 15% of purity and my brother 40%. Thousands of years ago this continent was control by our clan. The purity of blood lineage dictated the talent of each individual. The emperor of that time had a 70% purity line, so no one on these lands could oppose him. Due to our Clan's arrogance, the emperor of the time gathered all the geniuses and tried to kill the beast king in the dark forest. There was no fight, just a massacre and since then our Clan has fallen into disgrace. Several sects unfolded and our family could only keep a small piece of the continent, where it was once the center of our empire. To avoid the rise of a new genius many clans have agreed to kill those born with a strong bloodline and thus maintain the balance of power on the continent. I have only 3% of purity and my true talents cames from my mom. Take my hand."
Again a dark cloud wraps me and before a can't say something we were somewhere else. A simple room, a bed, a wardrobe, and a wall, but when I looked more carefully at the wall farthest from me ... It's it was crowded with pictures of me and my mother, some were very old from when I learned to walk others were later than last year.
"Sit Janeth".
They sat side by side on a wide, shaggy sofa, black as the night sky. He held her hand gently as he resumed the story.
"Six years ago the other clans found out about my brother's talents. Many powerfully clans came for him. My father and mother try to protect him, but my brother and father died and my mother was severely injured. After the attack even sick my mom works hard to keep the clan together and stable, but she was very weak from injuries. When the found out about me and I came back home my mom was giving her last breaths. In the entire family, the best choice for new lord was me. Many elders tried to manipulate the current situation behind the curtains in order to become the new masters of this land. And many people with weak bloodlines were threatened with death. It was the chaos and preludes of a civil war that could be seen everywhere. The last desire of my mom was to me became the new lord and protect our family."
Rayth felt his heart clench and it was as if a knot in his gargle prevented him from continuing the story. He couldn't look at her anymore. Then, releasing her hand, he placed both hands in his lap and stared at an undefined spot in front of him, continued to tell his story.
"I was strong but I haven't the power to protect you two. So I made the hardest decision of my life. You were so happy when I came back after 6 months without news. At no time did you warn me or look angry. All the time you talked about parties, events, and places that wanted to go with me. I was happy and also destroyed. I wanted to smile and cry. But instead, keep me calm. I ate and talked to you like any other normal day and when our house fell into the silence of the night and you slept soundly ... First I work in you. Every through about me in your mind vanished like never existed before. Next was your mom, and after finishing her I clean all house about my presence. I cast a greater spell that erased me from the minds of our neighbors and friends with the clear instruction to burn and destroy any object related to me. After that, I left and didn't look back for a few years. But I miss you two so much... Then I began to sneak into this world whenever possible to see you, take pictures, see you smiling."
Tears now fall from his eyes.
"Why didn't you bring us with you?"
"Your world is known as "Blind Land". Those born on this earth cannot increase their spiritual power above the dominion of the flesh. Nor can they get away for long, as they get very sick in less than 1 week. The maximum age that can be reached is only 150 years old. They claim to be a cursed world and so many do not even like to enter it for fear of being affected as well. The curse is passed through the blood and is recorded in the soul. As I am not originally of this world the curse on you is weak, but the seal of age and earth is still on you. But luckily the seal of power was not registered with you. Because of that, I could not bring you. It would be very dangerous, it would be hard. Prejudice, difference, and lack of freedom. This was not the life I wanted for the people I loved and cared at most."
" Dad don't cry. We love you so much. Now I know you do this to protect us. But I want stay with you. Now I'm here, Is my mom in dangerous?"
"No dear. Traitors have been treated properly a time ago. There are no risks to their mother. But you are in great danger now."
Jane jumped in fright. Wide-eyed she stared at her father seriously.
"Because of your bloodline. At the moment it's only 13% of purity, but another strong bloodline circulates inside your body. Forget about this continent, the ascension lineage you possess is forbidden not only on this continent but on many other worlds. The blind world is like a cage and a sanctuary from dangerous lineage. Our luck is that no many people know about the banish lineage from the blind world and let alone people can recognize this."
"So will you abandon me again?"
"No Jane my dear. I will make you so strong that no one in this world or the others can touch you. Even the gods will tremble to hear the name Janeth Tagnerie."