Chapter 24 – 25:

Izuku returned home after saying goodbye to Todoroki, and when he arrived saw his grandfather waiting at the front door with a heavy expression on his face.

[What happened?]. (Izuku) He asked, knowing that bad news was coming.

[The United States Government has publicly declared Quirkless and Fairy Tale terrorists and demanded that we reveal the secrets of national network techniques, or they would bring us down.] (Ibiki).

[They have already launched a search and seizure order against all Quirkless]. (Ibiki).

Hearing Grandfather Izuku had a heavy face and said:

[You know what will happen now right?]. (Izuku)

[I know, we will go to war]. (Ibiki).

[No, we will cause a massacre that will serve as a warning, since they have declared us terrorists, we will show them what happens when we decide to be]. (Izuku) He said and went into the house before ordering Gideon.

[Gideon starts the Omega plan in the United States]. (Izuku)

Ibiki sighed heavily, he really didn't want to have to see his grandson doing that, but since the government was stupid and didn't think about the consequences, they will have to deal with the losses.

Ibiki knows exactly what the rulers thought, they must have believed that as Fairy Tale mostly helped the young, and Fairy Company did the same, these young people would not have the mindset to start a war and massacre.

This thought was not wrong with most young people, but there was one mistake they made, they did not know that Izuku was not an ordinary young man and had no problem dealing with them.

At the White House, a few minutes after Izuku gave the order.

The president was sitting arrogantly while smoking a cigar, an hour ago he had announced the Quirkless as Terrorists and moved to deal with them, at the same time all Quirkless were gone.

And now he was talking to his advisers and military generals.

[Didn't I say they would hide like cockroaches? The Quirkless couldn't do anything against us before, and that won't change now, which is why instead of fighting our cops and heroes, they used some kind of teleportation to escape like the inferior beings they are]. (Chairman).

[Sir, I still think this move has been too hasty, this is a mistake, we don't know how far their capabilities go, and now you have cornered them]. (General).

[They are beings who should serve us, and be happy with what we give them when a dog bites his owner's hand, you don't negotiate, you beat him and show who order in place.] (Chairman).

The General knew this was a wrong choice, but when he saw that the president would not change his mind, he was silent.

The Vice President on the other hand immediately began to praise the behavior of the President.

[You're absolutely right sir, they must know their place]. (Vice president).

4 hours later, in the same White House.

The place looked like hell, all the agents were brutally killed, the nearby Heroes too.

There was a huge white dragon with blue strokes across his body that continued to fire lightning bolts from his mouth at them all, the President's corpse hung in the White House with a written message.

"Since we were considered terrorists when we wanted to help, we will act as such, and will retaliate at the time."

Similar scenes took place at each of the military and police bases throughout the country, any soldier, police officer, or government agent with a combat profession has been executed in the last 4 hours by different types of creatures.

Some were Dragons, others were huge whales, some were insects the size of men with unique abilities.

But whenever they destroyed something, a Quirkless team would go to the scene and take the strongest or most authoritative person and write the same message before hanging the bodies as an example.

These beings were all Pokémon, Izuku had already created Pokémon in this world with the technology he possessed in his labs, and used them as summoning animals and ninja companions for The Quirkless, luckily among the knowledge he requested, the technology to raising Pokémon Eggs was present, and with her, Izuku made a point of replicating them in this world.

The dragon that destroyed the White House was Lugia, one of Izuku's unique Pokémon.

While everything was happening Izuku was in Fairy Tale, calmly watching the scene.

Gideon Hacked the entire United States defense system and disabled all vehicles and weapons with digital locks, or that used satellite signals.

The government didn't even know what hit them before it was too late.

The scene across the country was apocalyptic, Izuku spared none of the interfering heroes, all were killed.

If they defeated one of their Pokemon, another 30 would attack, if they defeated them, even more, powerful Pokémons would go and complete the job, and if they failed the machines would take over.

Izuku wasn't kidding, and if it was a war they wanted, it was what they would have.

After it was all over Izuku made everyone return, the Pokémon that were killed, incinerated and scattered ashes as fertilizer.

Those who were injured were treated, all Quirkless who saw the scene had a bitter taste in their mouths, because they did not wish to see the huge number of dead, but neither of them blamed Izuku or Fairy Tale for what happened, Izuku tried peacefully to the government refused to accept, they had to bear the brunt of their stupid acts.

At Fairy Tale, there were numerous virtual reality simulators that were used to train Quirkless and get them used to kill.

Virtual Reality was extremely realistic and all the sensations were also real, it was not possible to distinguish the true from the false, and so even seeing the deaths they had no reaction except the feeling of not wanting to see it happen.

Ibiki sighed heavily, he knew Izuku could be cruel, but seeing the scene made him feel bad.

Inko sighed heavily, knowing that his son did not want to do this, but that due to the stubborn government he had no choice.

Yuki simply looked away as he saw Jennifer, Luna, and Naomi comforting Izuku.

That was a day that would be remembered throughout history.

The Day would be remembered as 'The Crazed Fairy Slaughtering'.

The following week in Japan there was no class at any school in Japan as a way of expressing mourning for what happened in the United States.

But it was all an excuse for a meeting to take place in schools, as now all principals had to reevaluate how to teach Quirkless, just as the government would have to wonder if it wanted to antagonize them.

Nezu was in the middle of a room while saying:

[What do you think about the subject?]. (Nezu)

[Midoriya Izuku used the United States as a message about what would happen if we tried to blame Quirkless for something they didn't do.] (All Might) He said clenching his fists hard enough for his nails to penetrate the flesh.

[Why do you say it was him?]. (Nezu)

[He's the one who created Fairy Tale, and also the Quirkless spokesman, I know Ibiki, and he would never give an order like that with cold blood, just left Izuku to do something like that, that was his announcement to the world, he threatened everyone at once while killing over 80 million people just because he could, he's a genocide and a villain]. (All Might) With resentment for Izuku's actions.

Snipe who heard the grudge said:

[You shouldn't push your ideals on other people, I don't agree with the massacre he did, but I take his reason either. The United States government has declared all Quirkless and Fairy Tale as terrorists when they clearly just wanted to help the common people, Izuku replied at the time, in fact, he is a mass murderer by the orders he gave, but not a villain]. (Snipe) I said calmly.

[How can you say something like that about that monstrosity]. (All Might) Roared.

[If you are ready to kill, you must be ready to die, we live in a world where all heroes risk their lives daily, by supporting what the government has decided, they have decided to support the death of several million Quirkless who were in the country.] (Snipe)

[The President gave them a death order and Izuku responded with the same attitude, I don't say I would have done the same because I don't have the stomach to deal with the death of millions on my hands, but we have to be realistic, what he did, save the life of billions of Quirkless]. (Snipe)

[And how did killing Millions save them, tell me?] (All Might) Said in clear annoyance.

[After what Izuku has done, do you think any government in the world will dare to attack the Quirkless lightly?]. (Snipe)

[If Izuku had done nothing, the other governments would have declared the Quirkless as terrorists a few days later, and slaughtered them all, or worse would have turned them into experimental objects, after which Izuku did, they understood that Izuku has superior military power to a power like the United States and that without the Quirkless having even actively participated]. (Snipe)

[Any idea of going directly against him without Izuku making a move first died along with the entire United States war force, at that time governments have two choices, they can either accept the Quirkless or risk waging war against Izuku, and then from his last show of power, I don't think they will wage war, governments will try to deal with Izuku while finding a way to suppress the Quirkless before doing anything, which he did, was to put a huge target on his own backs to protect the Quirkless]. (Snipe)

[If you read the news Fairy Company withdrew all its branches from the United States, the economy of the country was destroyed due to the huge amount of resources it lost at one time, Izuku ended the country in less than 48 hours, the United States was one of the greatest powers in the world, and now they are not even a second class country, it is just like a paper tiger]. (Snipe)

All Might clench his fists, he really didn't like what he saw, but he couldn't do anything, there's no evidence that Izuku gave the order.

If he tried to act against Izuku without them things would not go well, and his image as a Peace Symbol could be broken, or worse Izuku could repeat what he did here in Japan.

Nezu noticed everything All Might was feeling and said:

[It's no use being annoyed by this, Izuku made it clear during our last conversation that he was ready for war when the President's actions took place, we should have expected his retaliation.] (Nezu)

[And you say we should do nothing about it?]. (All Might)

[Exactly, he was attacked and reacted up to the point, in fact, he killed many, but you have to understand that not all are pacifists like you, Izuku certainly is not, without proof he gave the orders we can do nothing, at most will claim that some Quirkless went out of their control and acted on their own] (Snipe)

[I don't want to leave a genocidal free]. (All Might)

[Stop being hypocritical and pretending to be an idiot, everyone present has had to cover up some unpleasant subject because the government wanted us to do it, you better than anyone should know that, since you killed several villains to conquer the present era of peace, you deny what Izuku Midoriya did, but you are no different from him, killing one or killing a thousand is still killing]. (Snipe) He said in a strict tone.

[It was different]. (All Might) Roared

[It wasn't no, you killed because you wanted peace, he did the same, the only difference was the scale it was made, in your fight against All For One all those years ago, you killed all his subordinates, no one was arrested that day the media declared that you arrested them, but we all know this is a lie]. (Snipe)

All Might also understand this point, but between understanding and accepting there was a huge difference.

Without saying anything else he left the room.

Nezu who saw leaving turned to Snipe and said:

[You were very hard on him, All Might didn't mean it badly]. (Nezu)

He said winning a nod from some among the other teachers.

[It was necessary if he attacks Izuku things will get a lot worse, All Might have to understand, that the world doesn't revolve around what he wants, the only thing that sets us apart from the villains is that we follow the rules if he can't follow them, to ensure everyone's safety, so he is also one, Izuku Midoriya has proven that he can deal with great nations just because he wants to, and I refuse to allow Japan to become Izuku's second warning to the world, because All Might did not think before acting, to begin with, the injury he now has was caused because of it, I was there that day and I know very well how he was injured]. (Snipe)

Nezu was silent for a while after hearing Snipe.

Meanwhile elsewhere, the League of Villains has met.