
I was going through some previous comments, and I noticed some points that many people seem to have doubts about and I will explain now.

First, because Izuku does not use Genjutsu.

The answer to this is simple, even though NOBODY who does not have Chackra, can escape on their own once they are caught, if they suffer physical pain in the real world it will stop being effective.

For those who watch Naruto, you can watch Shikamaru and Tayuya fight, for clarification, using pain he freed himself.

External stimuli outside of Genjutsu can awaken a person who is trapped inside of Genjutsu, not to mention people who have Quirks who can avoid mental influences.

Or who grant them mental powers, this type of person can avoid getting caught, and once people find out how Gentujsu works, they can easily develop equipment to fight.

Secondly, some people think that I am describing Bakugou's personality in the wrong way.

But let's review some points first.

First of all, in the anime and manga, Bakugou never had injuries coming from Izuku that literally broke his nose, that kind of thing creates trauma for a child.

According to a young man who has never been in front of a real soldier in his life, he had to feel the full power of Izuku's murderous intent, who is basically a soldier who went to war and killed only god knows how many people.

Third Katsuki knows that Izuku is going to be cruel to him, and that Izuku is not afraid of consequences.

Taking all of this into account do you really believe that Katsuki would dare, or would he still be aggressive against Izuku?

Only if he was suicidal.

Third point, it seems that many of you have not yet understood, but Izuku does not want a total war between the QUirkless and the Espers.

I read a lot of criticism about how he could have asked everyone to have QUirks, or about how he could have granted artificial QUirks.

But let me clarify something.

Doing this type of action would not solve the problem, it would only change the target.

The biggest problem of a society where everyone has powers, is that in that society what will rule will be the law of the jungle, of the survival of the fittest.

In other words, those with weak QUirks who cannot be useful, are condemned to suffer just as the QUirkless would do.

Imagine the world of DC as an example, how many people really dare to question SUperman's actions in his face besides Batman?

Or better yet, how many dare to stand up and question the Justice League in any of the dimensions where they decide to dominate everything?

It is always an extremely select group that does it, there are never other people, and the reason is simple, whoever has the power makes the rules.

Izuku wanted to solve this problem, not change the target.

Fourth Point, the subject of how Izuku empowered the Quirkless, they would seek revenge and bring Chaos.

I read a lot of criticisms about it too, but I will explain something.

How many cases have you read, or seen of a person who was initiated, spent 4 years training martial arts on rigorous ethics training, who came back and used the teaching for revenge?

I'm not saying that there can't be, I'm saying that being realistic, not many people would do that.

It would be a completely different situation if Izuku were handing out weapons that you just have to aim and shoot.

But with Izuku training them I don't see how it is possible for a large number of Quirkless to have a strong desire to go, and to attack the people who intimidated them when they were children just because they can.

That's it for now, if there are any more points of doubt, leave them in the comments, and then I'll post another chapter for explanation.