chapter 02 : Will my life end here

* ding dang dong dong, dang ding dong dong *

" students don't forget about the lessons it will come in the exam next week ".

- " yes teacher " students who really cared about studying.

" finally the class is over ".

" let's run to the cafeteria before it's crowded ".

" who wants to play soccer ? ".

" and then he jumped over the wall and the principal was already waiting with the security on the otherside hahaha.." a group of students talking loudly.

" urgh uhm.. so much noise, i can't even relax here ".

" kai .. kai.. wake up let's go ".

" did i fall a sleep again, i guess i was so tired since last night ".

" did something happen ? ".

" umm nah..just was thinking about some stuff ".

" I see, don't worry the teacher didn't notice you at all, i helped protecting you ". * with a smirk *

" yeah right, anyway, don't forget to give me your notes later ".

" cool, but first let's go buy us some food ".

" I brought an extra food from the house ".

" SUPER .. then let's eat at the usual spot ".

" not again ".

" haha why not lazy old man ".

" I'm 9 years old ". * rolling his eyes *

" but slow like an old man hahaha ".

" ok ..ok.. give me a second ".

" some of our frinds are waiting there already ".

. . .

* munch munch munch* " thats really tasty ".

" don't eat fast luka, kai made that himself ".

" whaaat ??! * looking surprised * ".

" haha i'm just joking with you ".

" hey mia, did you tell him ? ".

" tell me what ? ".

" do you remember about happened yesterday.. well i told luka and risa ".

" why did you.."

" why didn't you tell us to come with you? ".

" yeah why not ? are we not friends or what? ".

" no it's not that ".

" then what ? ".

" wait luka, let me finish, we were planning to go there after school ".

" i have bad feelings about this ".

" don't you want to know? ".

" i want to but.."

" no buts we are going and that is final ".

"okay then let me at least inform my family first ".

( sending a message to ryan)

{ - hey cousin, i will be late after school for an hour, i will stay with my friends.} read.

{ - don't worry kiddo, have fun.}

{ - thank you }.read.

" why do you always tell your family ".

" it's the rules, anyway, i have 1 hour only ".

" I can't really understand your family ".

" me too ".

" yeah, also me ".

. . .

" now what should we do ? " said risa.

" let's jump to the laaaake ! ".

" then I'm in ".

" luka , risa were not here to have fun and don't forget about kai ".

" what about me? ".

" your family .. you ediot ".

"okay search for clues, anything strange ".

" we don't really know what happened yesterday thanks to someone ".

" here we go again, i said it's not my fault ".

" well you were talking and talking until we were caught ".

" how could you say that to me also how that guy knew us ? i couldn't see his face becasue of that mask ".

" how should i know ".

" well he called us by our names and.."

" let's stop arguing we will never finish if we kept going over and over ".

" your right old man ".

" anyway I don't think we will find anything here..I'm pretty sure they cleaned everything ".

" Just keep looking kai, we might find a treasure as well "

" yeah if ".

" hey risa ". ( whisper )

"yes ".

" wanna go for a swim ? "

" but what about mia and kai? "

" can't you see that they are arguing, let's have fun.."

" you are right haha ".

" 1 , 2 , 3 jump ".

( splash..splash..hahaha)

" oh god.. i told you we shouldn't come here ".

" when do you say that ? you only said bad feeling ".

"it's the same thing ".

" no it's not ".

" yes it is ".

" no it's not ".

" oh no, look over there, now will never be able to go ".

" urghh luka, risa what have i told you ".

" we can look another time ".

" i think she is right luka, what about kai ? ".

" it's not summer break you know ".

" 5 minutes only, comon (splash ..haha) ".

" stop it..hehe "

" haha..come and catch me ".

" it's no use talking to them.. lets keep looking ".

" I'm starting to get tired ".

" but it's weird and suspicious".

" what.. you found something ? ".

" I mean who was that masked man ? and how did he know our names ?"

" i already told you i don't know, anyway? "

" then why aren't you curious old man ? "

" don't call me that, also i was but yesterday ".

" you'r so moody.. how cute".

( thank god ..phew)

then they kept looking around between the bushes for 10 minutes.

" kai come here, i think i found something ".

" this is some kind of stone ".

" what is that red thing on it "

. . .

* kyaaaaaaaa..*

" did you hear that ? ".

" mia stop scaring me ".

" risa please no.. risaa ". * loudly *

" why luka is screaming risa name ? "

" i hope nothing bad, let hurry and see what is going on ".

" calm down luka, why are you screaming? ".

" wait why did you leave risa? what did you do ? ".

" nothing, i swear i did nothing ".

* looking in both sides*

" first calm down ".

" it was risa screaming, i don't know..i'm scared ".

" whaaat !? where is she ? ".

" we were playing but when i turned my head she was screaming and in a second she was gone ".

" what do you mean she is gone ".

" let's find her and then go home ".

( luka said while shivering in cold)

" here is my jacket "

" thanks kai ".

" I hope she is not playing around again and you better not be in this too luka ".

" i swear, i'm not fooling around.

"the moment i knew you were hel.."

" you two stop arguing for now lets split and try to find her ".

" ok then set your watches for 15 minutes after that lets return to the same place ".

"okay miss ".

" this is not a game luka ". ( it seems he got little bit better )

" sorry ".

" come on guys lets hurry ".

" kai is right ".

The three friends went on a search for their friend risa..that is when each one of them went on their seperate way to find her and then meet up at the same place when they first arrived.

luka POV:

( where could she be..I'm sure she was there next to me..what could she suddenly disappear..

thank..god nothing happened to me..ohh what am i saying)

" risaaa where are you ? please answer me,

if you are playing some sort of a game please don't..risaaa ".

(huh..whats that thing behind the looks like someone.)

" risaa is that you? ". ( while heading toward it)

mia POV:

after walking little far away in search for risa, she kept walking and walking while thinking deeply with herself.

( where could she be ? we need to find her fast and then look more into this stone and that masked man )

" ouch what was that ".

as she got bumped into something because she was looking down and thinking, the moment she raised her head her face up to look, her head was covered along with her mouth with some black cloth.

kai POV:

( I knew something bad was going to happen..i just hope she is not goofing around..otherwise i don't know what i will tell my family, not to mention i should apologize to kai as well ).

" risa..where are you? risaaa..stop playing games" * loud voice *

" you should have never came here kai ".

" who is this ? show yourself ".

" haaah .. "

( i suddenly feel dizzy as if the world is moving fast..what is happening to me? i can't seem to balance myself.)