chapter 3.5 : 5 years ago Doctor X Officer

Inside the office of the nurses, during lunch time,

everyone was eating out except one tall beautiful slim nurse sitting on her desk and looking at the computer.

The nurse:" good afternoon mam, i wanted to inform you about the papers that you have signed about your son since today is the removal day".

" yes , you can procced ".

" ok then, goodbye mam ".

( i guess the confirmation is on its way, i better inform him).

* riiiiinng ....riiiing ... riiiing *

" Hello, oh hi babe was about to call you just now".

" hehehe thinking about me already".

" its time, at 4 pm ".

" i got it ..oh and yes later tonight .."

"then its a date ".

" i will pick you up at 9 pm "

" later babe ".

The officer was already nearby because the doctor in charge of kai was going to be arrested of attempting of a murder * a plan that was already made*, his assistant had a long relationship with kai's family and she was about to remove the source that kept kai alive.

but since he started to move the day the assistant was going to remove the machine off him, she couldn't kill him as there was other assistants with her to confirm the time of death.

The assistant is actually the officer girlfriend, not officialy* since their relationship is a secret *

and since he is madly in love with her, that is why he would do anything for her.

The reason he agreed to catch the doctor and put him to jail, is because the doctor father killed the officer father by mistake when he pushed him hard and since his father had a heart failure he died, he knew about this when he was 26 years old at his father funeral after everyone left, there was a man who kept apologizing saying different things including pushing his father in which it led to his death.

that day he swore to take his revenge on him, the problem was that the doctor father was found dead with a suicide not next to him, unfortunatly the mother took that note and hid it.

later on when the officer found out about the doctor fathers death, he could not handle it but it made him worse and alot angrier than before not until he met that nurse in the cafe 3 years later, he started to calm down and finally he thought maybe there is hope in his life.

not until when he visited her in her hospital pretending to be sick when actually he was missing her, that is when the doctor came in contact with the officer, he then knew that he was the son of his father killer, his rage and all the bad thoughts returned.