Strength matters

I woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs. I looked around as I saw my arm was stitched up and my nose had cotton balls up it. I began struggling, a few minutes of it got my hand free. I quickly unlocked my other arm and legs. I heard footsteps down the stairs and noticed I had a collar on. ''Breakfast time Michael!! Wakey Wakey-'' He stared at me as I was standing up, though he just handed me the plate of food and some utensils. ''Eat, you'll need you strength for today.'' He said as He sat at a desk in the corner and turned on a light. I began eating as I sat back in the chair and pull the bloody cotton balls out of my nose. I smile at him and lick my lips ''Thank you, it's delicious.'' I said as I smiled at him, he looked at me and nodded ''You're welcome. Might as well keep you alive right now.'' My eyes darted to the side as I saw him walk over to me and slide my shirt off "W...Wait!!!" I screamed as I began blushing. He took out a knife and moved down to my stomach. He began carving the name CONNOR into my stomach. I grit my teeth in pain as I started crying. "Stop!!" I screamed as I kicked him away. An angry look appeared on his face and he took the knife and slit my feet! Blood began gushing out of my feet and stomach. He walked over to his closet amd pulled out some alcohol. He dumped it on my wounds and smiled at me. "How does that feel darling?" He asked as he saw me breathing deeply and crying. The alcohol felt like knives cutting my wounds deeper. He smiled from my silence and went to grab some bandages. I stood up and sprinted up the stairs, he heard my footsteps and slowly activated the collar. I screamed in pain as I fell to the ground and cried. He came up the stairs with bandages and forceps. He opened my stomach wider and made another cut to my stomach. He opened my wider and slid a piece of metal inside me.

I froze as he suctured my wounds close. He placed bandages on my stomach and feet. He gently picked me up and carried me to his couch, lying me down he smiled and walked away. I reluctantly took this chance to try to stand up. My weight pushing down my feet felt like bullets with every strike. I made my way to the door and but my hand on the knob, at that moment I heard a few loud signal noises before the shock from before came again. I fell to the ground screaming as Connor walked over to me with a large knife. ''Tsk, Tsk, Tsk. Can't learn to stop?'' He asked as he grabbed me by my leg and dragged me over his cold hardwood floors to the kitchen.

The space of the kitchen was magnificent. I looked around as he lay me down on the floor and continued cooking. I propped myself up and looked at what he was cutting. It was 2 pieces of steak, the cuts were fine. As I was admiring the steaks I looked at Connor and noticed he was staring at me. ''What?'' I asked as I moved away from him. ''Oh, nothing. I just noticed how pretty your eyes are.'' I looked at him embarrassed by the compliment. At then I heard the door swing open and hit the wall both a BANG! I looked back surprised as 2 men walked into the house. They had 3 people chained together. I noticed how dark it was out and walked towards the door. Connor fumbled in his pockets and pulled out a leash, he clipped it onto my collar and smiled at the men. ''Hello to you two gentlemen!'' Connor said as they nodded and sat on the couch. Connor just shrugged it off and began chopping vegetables for dinner. I walked over to the chained up people and noticed a girl with red hair. I smiled at her and removed the blindfold off of her eyes. She had blood red eyes, mine met heres and I smiled as I heard glass break. I looked behind me and saw one of the others standing over a broken vase. The two men got up in rage and began beating them. I walked over to intervene, but to no avail I couldn't move.

I looked at Connor and he was pulling in my leash. I looked back at the two men and saw them hitting them on the floor, they were crying. I kept stressing my collar I felt a volt of electricity strike me again, making my eyes water and a squeaky noise come out of me.

I just sat there and watched

The screams and yelling

I tried to help

But I couldn't do anything

I wasn't strong enough.

Word count: 840

Gore level: 3