One : Hard working gal

Dara smiled as little Bebe pulled her hair like crazy, wincing at the pain, she silently counts to three before laughing loudly, effectively getting the smaller child's attention.

"Would you look at that Bebe! Time's up! Five minutes to go and your mom will finally be here. Oh gosh, I am so happy." she loudly said to the room as if the toddler will understand her words.

Bebe chuckles and clapped her hands, not knowing a thing. Don't get her wrong, she loves her all-around job but sometimes dealing with hyper kids and toddlers takes a little toll on her.

Dara is a twenty-one-year-old college drop out, took business administration when all she wanted to do was bake and make her own bakeshop somewhere in the world, particularly in Paris but all she can do now is to dream when life took a shit and makes her broke as a mouse. When life finally took turns for the worst she finally gives up college and starts to work four to five jobs per day when one of her friends suggested having this online job, help for hire.

Dara has a knack for taking and excelling in any kind of task, she gets the hang of the job quickly and started having a website of her own which has a decent amount of clients already after running for six months. Her job went as far as taking the dogs for a walk, getting some old ladies' grocery shopping done, taking some cars out for cleaning to delivering some papers to some offices, and being a nanny for some kids.

It sounds exhausting but it actually pays well, much better in fact than taking three to four jobs with a fixed salary, her online job gave her, her client's payment, and some tip. All in all, she earns better with her new job.

Dina, one of her regular clients who always schedule a babysitting job for her arrived in no time. Cooing at her baby who lights up as soon as she sees her mommy.

"Hi, darling! How are you, did you behave huh?" Dina teasingly looked at Dara who rolled her eyes.

"Yes, you have a well-behaved baby who wants to play with my hair 24/7. I will get going now then." Dara turns to grab her things.

"Okay, I already sent my payment in your account check it later."

"Thanks, Dina, till next time."

Dara hums under her breath as he returns to her apartment, walking straight to her room to check her website.

"Mrs. Shon schedules for a grocery shopping, Mr. Haynes for his car cleaning..hey what's this? A new client huh?" Dara excitedly opens up the email which has a business letterhead on top.

"Dragon Empire?" she whispers in shock.

Everyone knows Dragon Empire Corporation, it is one of the leading companies in the country. It is one of the major foundations of their countries economic growth, yes that's how high class this company is and someone from that well-off company is in need of her help.

"How much will I earn after this? Can I charge them higher than my usual price? Why not I am sure they can afford it!" She giggles to herself and turns to read the mail.

Dear Ms. Haze,

We are informed that you are offering services for your client's needs and we would like to acquire your services for a personal and confidential matter. Details of our proposed job will be explained if you are free to meet up with Mr. Lee this week. He will personally explain what the job description is and answer all your questions regarding it. Please let us know if you are interested and if you are free for lunch this week.

Attached is my telephone and cell phone number.

Thanks and Regards.

Louwell Summer

Dara silently thinks if he will take it or leave it, her interest is piqued of course. What job is expected from her?

She typed her reply and sigh.

"Let's find out shall we?"

Jiyo paces around his office as he grits his teeth in annoyance, he's just twenty-five years old and his whole family is on his back, nagging him to get a wife and produce a baby as if that's as easy as going inside the grocery store to buy stuff.

"I am not going to let them ruin my life, it's time for a plan," he whispers as a knock was heard.

"Come in..."

"She already replied sir, she will meet you at lunch tomorrow," Louwell said as she went inside the room.

Jiyo smiled in satisfaction, he knew that woman will say yes. People will always say yes to money, no doubt that the woman got excited when she saw the letterhead. Maybe she is just like all the other girls in his past, golddiggers. It's okay though, he can use that attitude to manipulate her with his wealth.

"Thanks for helping me out Lou."

"No problem sir, ahmmm but I would like to remind you that this website has been recommended to me by my cousin, the owner Ms. Dara Haze actually has a very good reputation so I would suggest that maybe you should tone down your attitude a bit.." Louwell hesitantly said as she waves her hands around.

Jiyo closes his eyes and counts before replying. Louwell has been his secretary since day one, which gets her the right to nag him sometimes. Keyword: Sometimes and now is not the right time.

"I won't bite her head off if that's what you're scared about."

"Good, because not all girls are like Alicia and you know it. Don't deny it." Louwell walks out of that room before Jiyo can reprimand her.

"I'm thinking about firing you, Lou!" Jiyo shouted.

"No, you don't!" Louwell shouted back.

Jiyo sat on his chair and shakes his head.

"Women are so annoying..."


Meeting a client has never been this formal for Dara, Mr. Lee booked a table at a high-end restaurant for their meeting and she has to admit that she is quite intimidated by the grandeur.

Walking silently toward the table where the staff kindly assist her, she sat down and wait for the man.

Lee Jiyo.

Everyone knows him, one of the richest businessmen and most sought after bachelor in town. He is known for being cold and arrogant as expected from someone who came from a family of wealth. As far as Dara knows he can do anything he wants because he has the means to do it and now that man is asking for her services.

"I'm dying to know what this is all about," she mutters to herself as one of the staff pours her a glass of wine.

"Mr. Lee is on his way now madam, here's some wine as you wait."

"Oh, thank you so much."

She twirls the glass and takes a sip. Looking every now and then at her watch, fingers tapping impatiently at the table when the man finally arrived, looking splendent and sleek with his gray power suit that fits his body perfectly.

Dara unconsciously runs a hand on her skirt, hoping that she somehow looks decent enough.

"Ms. Haze, sorry to keep you waiting, I got a little meeting before this." Jiyo briskly said as he sat in front of Dara.

"I understand Mr. Lee, but I also have an appointment later so shall we start this meeting now?" Dara's smile hides her annoyance.

"Alright then, your website is recommended to me by a friend. She said you are very diligent with your job and you are very strict when it comes to privacy. I search about it and finds it decent enough and I am here to offer you a deal."

"Alright, let's hear it."

"I need you to go on a vacation with me and pretend to be my fiancee." Jiyo quickly said.

Dara chokes on her drink and slams her chest with her hands. Grabbing tissues to wipe some on her chin.

"What?!!" she gasps as she looks incredulously at the man who just looks at her in amazement.

"I said I need you to go on a vacation with me...and my family and to pretend to be my fiancee." Jiyo calmly repeated his statement, silently wondering if the girl in front of him is a slow one.

"But... okay. Mr. Lee, actually my website offers services, and that normally includes cleaning, shopping, doing the laundry, walking the dogs, taking the cars to service centers, delivering some files..." Dara nervously blabbed on.

"The ads on your website says you'll do anything for your clients. Does anything doesn't include what I need?"

"The service you're requesting is in another level Mr. Jiyo, it's like hiring me to be an actress and play my part for your needs." Dara nervously explained.

"Yes that's what exactly I am doing right now, I am telling you that I will pay you handsomely if you did your part well. You can use what I will give you to start your own company or business. I really need someone with me next month." Jiyo urges her to say yes.

Dara bites his lips in confusion, if what Jiyo said is true then she will have the means to start a business and be able to help her parents pay their loan somehow. That will be a huge help for her and her family.

"You're saying that it's next month?"

"Yes but I need an answer now. So, what's your decision?"

"Tell me the details, am I just going to be there and mingle with your family, and then what.. that's it?"

Jiyo coughs awkwardly, not knowing if he will tell her the truth or not.

"Well yes, kind of. They might pester you and all, plus they might hire a detective to get to know you better."

"Oh my God..."

"Don't worry about that, I got it all planned out. If you say yes now, I will have you moved from your apartment to mine, we will live together for a month before the family vacation, so that when they did their research they will know that we are together before the meeting." Jiyo calmly explains.

"Be..with you. In the same house."

"Yes, why? Are you scared? You don't have to be.. you're not my type, I date models you're too short for my taste."

Dara's eyes twitch and she looks pointedly at the smirking man right in front of her. The audacity of this dickhead to insult her. What a dick.

"I'm not scared..."

"Okay, then are you saying yes?" Jiyo looks expectedly at her knowing that she's hesitating.

Dara wonders if she can do it for a month, that will be a hard job, especially since she will be acting as if she likes this arrogant man in front of her.

"You'll treat me fair? I don't want to be pushed around mister, if I will get on with it you have to respect me as your pretend fiancee." she crosses her arms as Jiyo smiled in satisfaction knowing that he got the girl.

"Yes...I am happy that you agreed. Listen, give me your phone number and we'll continue this talk at my apartment, grab your things and I'll pick you up later."

"Wait...what now? I'm moving in now?"

"Yes, we don't have time. You and I will spend a month getting to know each other, to make our actions more natural."

Dara takes a deep breath and nods her head.

"Okay, whatever you say, boss."

"Cheers! To our fake relationship!" Jiyo lifts his glass as they cheer for their agreement.