Chapter 8

 "Hey, Saojia actually sent a document so soon! This is too powerful?" At this time, someone suddenly discovered Lin Xu's "Water Melody".


  "I rely on this, the first appraisal of the junior appraisal, I came to see what kind of text he made!"


  "Well, I've sent a message so soon, and I see if he has the potential to become a god!"


  For a time, tens of thousands of people saw the word, because when Saskatchewan became the first beginner to assess, many people directly clicked on him, which is like the world champion, when you did not take this At the time of the award, no one knows you, or few people know you, but once you become the champion, the people who follow you will rise straight, which is the benefit of this record.

  In just one or two hours, Saskatchewan's attention directly reached more than 100,000, and it continued to rise, and Saskatchewan sent a message, so they immediately received a reminder.

  However, almost everyone has an article that wants to see what level the genius boy can write. After all, just passing the junior writer, even if it is genius, it is estimated to be only a teenager. What can you write a good article?

  Therefore, those who come in are also those who are hunted, but they don't really read his articles, but more people just look at this reminder and stop paying attention: "It's just a little child's practice. I am afraid that only children will watch it!"

  However, when those who went in and saw it saw the first sentence "When there was a few months in the moon," they couldn't help but have a bright eye. This is a new style, completely different from what others have written. And if this sentence doesn't have much of a big feature, then the next sentence, "Let the wine ask the sky," immediately made everyone slap the case.

  "Well, there is still such a text, actually you can write it!"


  "I rely on, just two sentences, how can I seem to see a strange scene: a young and handsome young man, toasting against the blue sky..."


  "These two sentences are absolutely gone. Why didn't I think I could write this?"


  However, when these two sentences are read free of charge, the next words become ellipsis. People who often read articles on this list naturally know that this is a fee, and the charge is 0.05 sen.

  Almost no one cares about this charge, so almost everyone who saw the first two sentences subconsciously clicked "confirm purchase", and then the following text immediately appeared in front of their eyes...

  "This... This is a novel style. We have never seen it before. However, this kind of article is concise and concise, and I feel that this style has brought the role of the sacred text to a very high level! "


  "Just a short one hundred words, can actually depict such a beautiful moon, such a touching feeling, this singer is really just a teenager? Will it be an old monster?"


  "Sauer is so arrogant, I decided to become a fan of Saskatchewan! Iron powder!"


  At this moment, Lin Xu, who is eating, naturally does not know what happened to his work. He is thinking about how to improve writing speed.

  "If you can make a hard pen, that's good, then my speed will be improved. If there is keyboard input, it would be better!" Lin Xu thought so.

  "Right, look at the store!" Lin Xu suddenly remembered the function of the mall.

  After entering the Saint Wen net for the first time, Lin Xu entered the Shengwen network as long as he thought about it. However, when he entered the Shengwen network, suddenly a bunch of information jumped out.

  "Congratulations, the subscription reaches 100, and you have taken another step in the journey of writing! Reward 100 Holy Power!"

  "Congratulations, the subscription reaches 200, and you have taken another step in the journey of writing! Reward 100 Holy Power!"

  "Congratulations, the subscription reaches 400, and you have taken another step in the journey of writing! Reward 100 Holy Power!"

  "Congratulations, the subscription reaches 1000, and you have taken another step in the journey of writing! Reward 100 Holy Power!"

  "Congratulations, the subscription reaches 2000, and you have taken another step in the journey of writing! Reward 100 Holy Power!"

  "Congratulations, the subscription reaches 3000, and you have taken another step in the journey of writing! Reward 100 Holy Power!"

  Seeing this, Lin Xu opened his mouth and didn't expect it to be a ten-minute effort. There were actually more than 3,000 people who subscribed to their own words, and when he saw this information, it was another message. Come out, the order has reached four thousand.

  Lin Xu has some people who can't believe that the most of his previous novels have been set at more than 2,800. At that time, the goal set by him was that he had set a goal of full-time, but he could not reach more than 3,000. Now he is here. This is the opposite world, actually more than 4,000 in more than ten minutes, which is too outrageous, right?

  However, Lin Xu was very surprised. This proves that the "Water Melody" that he sent out is also a classic in this sacred world. UU reads so Lin Xu can preliminarily judge the world's preferences. It should be the same as the Chinese where you are.

  Later, Lin Xu finally realized why his work would reach 4,000 subscriptions in more than ten minutes, because he found that his space attention reached a value of 150,000.

  "It turns out that there are quite a few sacred texts in the world!" Lin Xu saw that this concern has been rising, and he couldn't help but be surprised. This is how long it takes, the amount of attention has reached 150,000, etc. Over time, I am afraid that the amount of attention will be even greater. "The original name of this primary assessment is still so useful!"

  Lin Xu naturally knows that his own attention comes from the world's notification of the first assessment. Although the increased attention will be very large at this time, it will probably become less and less afterwards.

  Lin Xu also wants to understand why his subscription volume is so much: "Ha ha, the entire sacred world is such a sacred network, no one is pirated, and my attention has reached 150,000, as long as I send a message, There will be 150,000 people who will see my message, even if only 10% of people subscribe to my article, I am afraid there are also 15,000 subscriptions! Sure enough, there is no piracy to be truly powerful!"

  In any case, Lin Xu found that there were more than one hundred coins in his account, which was because he only sent one.

  At this time, suddenly a world news came: "I recommend that you have time to read the singer's "Water Melody", this is definitely the latest poetry style, the most poetic and most emotional article. Although the author is only a junior writer, but the articles I wrote are even shameful!"

  Originally, everyone saw this world speaking, thinking that the guy who is stupid and has more money is pushing his own text. As a result, when they see the other person's name, they can't help but exclaim.