First task. Sparring

"So, how's your new Academy?"

Asked Alaric.

"Alright. Theresian Academy is a quite unique Academy. They accept everyone there and they also uphold the value of equality. The teachers there are very good unlike my old school where classes are divided according to rank and also look down on weak people. In the Academy this they help each other and also respect each other. Although there are some who still attach importance to position."

Abigail said.

"Hahahaha ..... It's true! Most people see position as power. But, they are actually weak."

Alaric said.

Megan patted Alaric on the head with a pile of papers.

"Even if you're strong, don't be arrogant. You'll end up with Samson."

Megan wrote on the paper.

"Calm down! I won't lose because I'm not arrogant."

Alaric said.

"Yes, indeed, but over time my father will be bald and his eyes will also start to become myopic."

Ambriel said.

"Hey! What do you mean I've become that old!" Alaric said.

"Indeed. Father's hair has started to fall out a lot, isn't it?"

Ambriel asked.

"Brother, look at dad. He started crying at what you said."

Abigail said.

"I'm not old! You kids these days! Dare to say such mean things to your father!"

Alaric said.

Ambriel and Abigail looked at her father with strange looks.

"Don't look at me like I'm a freak!"

Alaric said.

The three of them argued lightly.

"Huh, what a lovely family."

Thought Megan.

"Thanks God for giving me a second chance."

Megan thought, looking up at the night sky.

"All right, now clear up all your cutlery and clean the table too. Honey, please take this table back to the dining room."

Megan wrote.

"I also want to ask. Why do you two want to eat in the backyard so badly? Isn't it good to eat inside?"

Asked Alaric clearing the table.

"We just want to eat out. And again tonight is very beautiful."

Ambriel said looking up at the sky.

The night was filled with stars and there were also some shooting stars. After dinner, Abigail took out her cellphone and looked at the class group they had created.

"Tomorrow we will have a sparring with fellow classmates. So, make sure you come and also take care of your health."

Abigail wrote as class president.

"Eh? Who did you get that information from?"

Asked Bella via chat.

"Mrs. Wisley just told me."

Abigail said in the chat.

"Well, all of you will definitely be amazed by my prowess. Because my good looks will melt all of you."

Gabby said the narcissist from Nero's class. Everyone in the group fell silent and no one responded.

"Oi, don't ignore me."

Gabby said.


Redfox said.

"Let us sleep. I'm tired of hearing you babble."

Evelin said.

Abigail started typing in their group chat.

"Come on, all of you rest. Tomorrow will be a tiring day."

Abigail said in the chat.

"Yes for us, you definitely won't be tired at all."

Said Hizkad through the class group.

Then, finally everyone started falling asleep. A few moments later, a voice message came in.

"Ugh, who's in the middle of the night like this?"

Thought Abigail.

Then, Abigail saw the chat and it seemed Gabby wrote some compliments about him. "Jeez how handsome I am."

"No one will turn their face away from me."

"The beauty of this world. But, of course I am the most beautiful."

Gabby wrote in the class group. Then, it appears the words

"Lin left the 'Nero' group."

"Lin is tired of reading all of Gabby's narcissistic comments."

Thought Abigail.

"Okay, let's just let it go. Gabby will definitely stop writing compliments about himself later."

Thought Abigail.

A few moments later, outside the Rose residence.

There was a cell phone suddenly floating in the air at the speed of light.


In the morning, at Pendragon station.

"Morning Abigail. What a beautiful day isn't- Gosh! What's the matter? You look really tired."

Helen said the drink stall keeper.

"Nothing. I'm just a little tired today."

Said Abigail with her eye bags and also always yawning.

"Here, Abigail."

Said a man behind Abigail while handing over a coffee.

"Sam? What are you doing here?"

Asked Abigail.

"Help my mother a little. Besides, you've made everyone here feel safe thanks to your presence."

Said Sam with a smile.

"Sorry if I was a bother."

Abigail said.

On the way by train.

"Abigail. Abigail. Abigail!"

Sam whisper.


Asked Abigail.

"Please. No, we beg you just close your eyes and sleep for a while. You're scaring all the passengers."

Sam said to Abigail who tried to hold back her sleepiness and make a scary face.

Arriving at school, it appears that several of Abigail's friends are asleep in class.

"Mike, why is everyone looking sleepy?"

Asked Abigail to Mike.

"Maybe it's because Gabby kept sending compliments all night about himself and it disturbed all of our sleep. Besides, he still continues to compliment himself right now."

Mike said.

"Why don't you look tired?"

Abigail said.

"You see? I'm still quite tired you know."

Mike said.

"I can see you do look so tired you can read a novel upside down."

Abigail said.

"Novel? No. It's a Manga you know."

Mike said.

"Are you two stupid? You reading a auto magazine."

Said Abraham.

"Abraham, why don't you look sleepy?"

Asked Abigail.

"I used sleep magic while the cellphone kept beeping. Abigail, don't you have this type of magic too?"

Asked Abraham.

"I have but it only activates when I enter the battlefield. I might be refreshed during sparring."

Abigail said.

Then, Redfox seemed to invite them.

"You, here. Look at this!"

Redfox said.

Then, the four of them looked at Siege who was sleeping on the classroom table. Siege was purring like a cat.

"Very cute!!!"

The four of them said.

Entering class time,

"Well, can anyone explain why you all look so sleepy?"

Asked Mrs. Wisley.


Pointed out Abraham.

"This is all his fault."

Said Abraham pointed to Gabby.

"Eh? Why are you blaming me? I didn't do anything wrong you know."

Gabby said.

"Right, this is all your fault!"

Everyone in the class said in unison.

"Okay, I'll help a little."

Mrs. Wisley said.

Then, a periodic table appeared on Mrs. Wisley's arm.

Mrs. Wisley took some O, N-CH3, and N. Then, Mrs. Wisley spread the set of elements throughout the class. The whole class wakes up.

"Mrs. Wisley. What was that?"

Asked Abigail confused because suddenly they were no longer sleepy.

"I made some chemical sequences called Caffeine. Now that you guys are up, get ready."

Said Mrs. Wisley.

A few moments later, the students moved to an academy field.

"Welcome new hero candidates."

Said a man dressed in luxurious aristocratic clothes and wearing an opera mask.

"My name is Gislon and please call me Mr. Gislon. I will be your supervisor in this sparring class."

Gislon said.

"All right, first. Mike against Lin!"

Gislon said.

Then, it appeared Mike and Lin were in the field.

"Okay, don't hold back."

Mike said.

Lin didn't listen or say a word. Lin took out two swords from the sheath on his back. Mike drew his sword from its sheath which was at his waist.

"Lin's sword is a relic. That sword is Goujian. The sword is made of a meteor that falls on the earth and it is said to be able to kill a dragon in one fell swoop. Meanwhile, the other sword is called Hardlan. Made of Adamatium iron and also stores destruction magic! "

Said Felicy who had secretly come to the academy field.

"Why are you here !?"

Asked Abigail.

"I'm bored and was about to see you guys do sparring."

Felicy said.

"Mike's sword. Is it a relic?"

Asked Abigail.

"No, it's just an ordinary Estoc. It might be sharp enough but it won't be able to withstand the two swords which are relics."

Felicy said.

Then, before sparring begins.

"Will he win?"

Ask Redfox.

"Definitely winning. I see Lin doesn't seem like he is planning anything. As for Mike, he's weak but he's a brave idiot."

Felicy said.

"Despite the many bad rumors about him. He always smiles as if he never had bad rumors."

Felicy said.

"No, that's not it."

Abigail said.

"What do you mean?"

Ask Redfox.

"He wears a smile mask. His smile he uses to cover all his wounds. But, I'm sure Mike's family is very good."

Abigail said.

"Why do you know?"

Asked Hizkad who came with a drink for them.

"The proof, Mike can still survive until now. Most of them will be depressed and end in death."

Abigail said.

"Oh, I see."

Redfox said.

"At first I felt uncomfortable seeing him. However, after knowing he was with him in an academy. I can know his feelings."

Redfox said.

The practice sparring begins, Mike advances towards Lin. Lin just remained silent, stretching his hand towards Mike.

"O swords immersed in life. Come out and bring down your enemies. Creation of swords!"

Shouted Lin.

Around Lin appeared 7 floating swords. Lin pointed his sword and the flying swords flew at Mike.

Mike parried the first and second swords. When the third sword was about to hit him, Mike jumped and avoided the third sword. The fourth and fifth swords flew towards Mike.

Mike parries the fourth sword and catches the fifth. The sixth sword slid at Mike and Mike threw the fifth sword he caught at the sixth sword that was hurtling towards him.

"That is all?"

Mike asked on landing.

The seventh sword suddenly appears behind Mike but Mike avoids the sword and catches it.

"Your sword is so cool Lin."

Mike said.

Lin became annoyed and lunged at Mike. Lin stabbed Mike in the stomach.

"It's done-Uagh!"

Lin said but suddenly Lin coughed up blood.

When Lin retreated, it appeared Mike was stabbed in the stomach and Lin seemed to be stabbed in the stomach by Mike's sword. Both of them fell to the ground and passed out.

"Very fast!"

Abigail said.

"Here Lin is very reckless. She was off guard and thought Mike would not fight back because Mike was weak. Actually Mike tried to deflect Lin's attack with his mirror. However, because Lin's strength was stronger Mike's mirror broke before he could deflect Lin's attack. So, the result was a draw because both of them fall down."

Felicy said.

"Very well, the winner Lin!"

Gislon said.

Everyone is confused.

"Hello? Is the teacher blind? They both fell together."

Said Hizkad.

"No. Lin didn't fall at all. Mike fell after the first sword hit him."

Gislon said.

"How sensible the first sword to be deflected and crushed hits him!"

Said Hizkad.

"Shut up. After all, I'm a teacher here. Are you guys questioning my assessment?"

Asked Gislon.

"Yes! I also question it!"

Abigail said.

"Fine, the points got. Lin got 100 and Mike. Hm ... I think 10 is enough."

Gislon said.

"Hey! Teacher bastard! Why did you give him such low marks!"

Complained Redfox.

"Right! This isn't fair!"

Siege and Bella said.

"You idiot. Doesn't Alian know that this value is actually fair for a sex criminal like him."

Gislon said.

All the students there were angry.

"Never mind, I'm fine with that grade."

Mike said from the field.

"Are you all right? Stay there! Let me heal you!"

Abigail said.

"Take it easy. I'm fine. A wound like this is nothing for me."

Mike said with a smile that looked a little forced.

Then, Mike escorted Lin to the examination room.

"So, he just suffers like this every day? You guys are the worst."

Abigail said.

Then, Abigail left the field and tried to help Mike and Lin.


Aina Lin Akatsuki [Yuusha]

Lin's talent: Sword craft.

Creating a sword from nothing into existence. Lin could create various types of swords using just her sweat.

Lin's artifact: Hardlan's sword and Goujin's sword.

Hardlan's sword in the right hand held the power to destroy anything and Goujin's sword in the left could absorb the shock and turn it into manna.

Lin really hates everyone and only wants to be friends with someone he trusts, because of his childhood experience where she was betrayed by her friend.


Wisley Silence [Talented]

Miss Wisley's talent: the periodic table.

In Mrs. Wisley's hand is a periodic table tattoo. By pressing the image of the element on the periodic table tattoo Wisley was able to create the element.

Mrs. Wisley can also combine the elements that Mrs. Wisley has put out.

Mrs. Wisley actually used to be quiet but because she got Nero's class and her students were a little naughty, it made Mrs. Wisley irritable and chatty easily.