The Hemlock II

I'm writing this post today to clear something up.

A local who..should not be named recently posted a story about the area around my little town, The Hemlock I think it is was called, ever read it?

Well if not you should.

It gives you the rundown of this little 'Not-so-picturesc' community.

Furthermore, I am going to skip the descriptions, so if you don't want to be confused? I suggest you go and read it.

      So let me introduce myself,

My name is Ezra Markim.

I was the Calfrey sherrif in between 1998 and 2003, I resigned after the Wimbly Murders, oh you haven't heard of them?

Well, long story short we had a call of a break in at the Wimbly residence in the fall of 2002. Some concerned neighbor blowing up my house phone because Robert Wimbly's "Light was on, it's 3am Ezra, you know Robert wouldn't leave those lights on!"

        Didn't take me long to realize the caller was Mrs. Turner across the field from the Wimbly residence. She calls a lot.. A real pain in my ass.

Anyway, I woke my deputy and we made a courtesy visit. But let me say this.. When I.. When I reached the screen door? The gore that was on display in the living room was gut wrenching. Robert was literally ground into someone had pushed him through a wood chipper right there in the living room. Mrs. Wimbley was found with her arms posed around her dead boys Toby and Darren in the upstairs bathroom. They looked as though they had been drowned. without any trace of water and their night clothes soaking wet.. We couldn't rule out Aquatic asphyxiation. Even though it was later determined that their lungs were full of what looked like lake water, still we couldn't determine whether or not it happened before their throats were slit open.

That's not even the worst of it.

The weirdest part was when we found the little girl.

See, firstly nobody could identify her, and DNA wasn't as advanced as it is now but still.. It was weird.. See if you know Calfrey, then you know that everybody knows fucking everybody, it's just how it is. But nobody knew this kid.

She was found in a barn a few yards from the Wimbly home, we had called in neighboring towns  who sent officers to canvas the area and locals helped in the search.

I was determined to catch the prick who did this. Anyone would be, needless to say we didn't.

Instead we found this.. Kid. Three, maybe four years old, chained at the throat to the inside of a horse stable. She'd been there awhile. Shit just everywhere, I mean.. The whole place was disgusting.

The kid wouldn't speak to anyone and kept trying to bite people, would cry tears of blood and shit. Really crazy stuff.

She didn't live long though.. Died a few days later in the hospital from internal hemmoraging. The doctors said that her brain was literal mush. Like someone had beaten her in the head with their fists numerous times. She would've died in days anyway, had we not found her.

       So yeah I fucking Resigned, can you blame me? Anyway, like I said I'm here to set the record straight. As to why Calfrey is so damned deserted and isolated. And no, its not because of 'steel and plastics', which the kid who wrote 'The Hemlock' would so blindly believe.

See, the simple truth is that Calfrey.. Is the center of Hell.

Not the Christian hell, obviously but..much worse.. You see what you won't hear from any of the locals is that their is a cult that has taken residence here. I had dealings with them, but only when the reports would come in of large wicker fires in the locals fields. I'm not sure if they are responsible or if its something else but somewhere, somehow, an opening into something dark is here..

Weird shit happens here all the time.

I remember back in 99' that I had a dog named Brucey, used to always bring him to the station, one night we received a call about some kids laughing and taunting Bill Morring in the woods behind his house. Appearently he had walked out back for a cigarette and that's when the giggling began.

      So I take Brucey and head down to Bill's woodline. The laughing wasn't audible by the time I arrived so I just figured it was the Wimbly boys playing a prank and then scurrying back home.

      I had hiked back in to the thick of it and my flashlight started to flicker. When I smacked it and the light shown on this kid I just about shit my pants.

I jumped and told the girl "You shouldn't be antagonizing ole Bill, run on home and I want have to take you into the station, okay?"

She didn't move, not until Brucey lunged at her with his teeth snarling. I yelled at him, and reached for the dog. I was sure that he was going to tear her fucking face off, but just as his leap came within inches of her, this fucking kid's mouth snapped to the size of a truck tire and she ripped Brucey apart like a shark. Her eyes sneering black.

I unloaded 12 rounds into the bitch but she ran screeching into the darkness leaving nothing but Bruceys leg..

        Anyway, I think I should stop this for now, something is knocking at the door and its probably related.. The people here seem to know everything.

I'll keep you updated.

Keep an eye out.