Task #3 in progress

All I can think of is my dad.

He and my mom is out on a date tonight. This is his first day of his retirement as a solider who fought hard for the country.

Why does things have to be this shitty on his first day out of duty?

I desperately look around if I could safely go down the deep excavation.

[Don't event think about it Robert!]

[Chill out, I'm looking for an alternative route]

Well, I just did, System! I just did think about going down there. But if I do, I might get injured and might fail this task.

Hahahaha, a task eh? Now I just remembered how weird this whole shit is.

Floating windows that appears out of thin air? An uknown entity talking to me and instructing me to do tasks. And also giving me valuable information to finish those tasks.

I just hope that whatever is happening right now, is just a fucking dream!

[But it's not!]

[Snap out of it Robert]

[Warning, mental status declining]

[Mental Status: Will to fight is declining by 0.3% every seconds]

Was this all even real?

[Warning, mental status declining]

[Mental Status: Will to fight is declining by 2.5% every seconds]


"Well, well, well..."

This naked guy carrying shears, I hate to call him my sister's boyfriend, so I'll just call him the naked mad-man.

The naked mad-man is now a few meters in front of me. I'm still catching my breath, and the only way I could take right now is this excavation if I want to flee from this naked mad-man.

Hah! Hah!

Like a prey, cornered by its predator. I watched him slowly approaching me giving me a wry smile in his face.

"You think you could get away with what you did to me?" his good body built is exposed, and so was his manly baton.

Tsk! I don't want to lose. I don't want to fail.

[You don't want your father to die.]

[Yes, I know.]


I stood up, and tried to run past him. But, "Ahkkk!" as I was about to run through his side, he stabbed my legs.


And I fall on the ground making the shear to pierce through deeper.

"Arrgghhh!" All I can do is cry out of pain.

[Warning! You are bleeding]

[You will slowly lose blood at a rate of 0.5% per second]

[Blood: 97%]




[Damn it!]

Hahahaha, who am I kidding here. How can I beat someone like him? Compared to my fragile, skinny body, he's more stronger than I. How can I win over this guy?

[Robert, I found an alternative route!]

Pfff, what's the point system? I'm caught and couldn't run. Haven't I failed the task already?

[You are not yet dead Robert!]

[Snap the fuck out of it!]

The naked mad-man walked towards me and reached out for the shears.

"Arghhhh!" he pulled the shears out.


[You will lose blood at a rate of 1.5% per second]

[Apply pressure to your wound Robert!]

[That'll slow the blood loss!]

"Fuck! Ahhh, hah-hah-hah, arghhh!" I couldn't do anything right now. Except to cry out of pain.

"Hah-hah-hah, huhuhu, dad." dad, no, you can't die. There is no way I could...

"Arghhh!" the naked mad-man stepped on my wounds.

"Where's the kid who are acting tough earlier?" Shit! Huhuhu, no, no more! Arghh!



[Mental status: Lost the will to fight]

[What?! That's it Robert?]

[After this second chance you got from the system?]

Second chance?

The system?

I don't know. I just want this pain to end, this suffering to end. I'm tired of running away just because I can't do anything about my weak self.

I tried acting tough. I tried to fight back. But, I guess this is how it all ends.

"R-Robert?" a familiar voice called out.

"Hey, you, what are you think you are doing?! Where's your clothes?." it was tatang Ponce. One of the baranggay tanod.

Tatang Ponce grey-white haired old man. He had a wizened face and a back slightly hunched.

"Stand back, move away from Robert!" he said while walking towards me. With each movement you can almost hear the creak of old bones.

"Put that Shears down!" How can someone like him, who was already weakened by time can exhibit bravery despite the fact that this guy was surely at an advantage here.

"Says who? Old man?" the naked mad-man said.

"Hurting an old man wasn't really my thing, but."

[Killing intent detected!]

No! He intend to kill tatang Ponce too!

"Tatang Ponce, get out of here!" I said.

"Not a chance Robert. He said, while trying to carry me."

Oh no, that mad-man is going to stabbed tatang Ponce! He heard the naked mad-man and said, "Under the authority given to me of the Philippine government. I advise you to stay where you are and..."

"And then what? Old man, wait for me to rot and die in prison? Not a chance!" the guy dashed towards tatang Ponce. And pierced the shears.

He pierced the shears in my lower abdomen.

Before he could stabbed tatang Ponce, I quickly pushed tatang Ponce to the side and received the blow from the naked mad-man.

"No! Robert!" the guy let go of the shears and ran off. Tatang Ponce immediately used the radio attached in his upper right chest pocket to call for the other baranggay tanod.

"Tatang Ponce, he tried to sexually assault my sister! Please, send help to her, she is in..."

She is in shock is what I'm going to say. But, I couldn't finish it.

A window appeared,

[ You have finished task # 3]

And, everything turned black.