
Chapter 5: The Identical One

So the child transforms into Snake and he didn't control him. So Lynx was in trouble. The day of the visiting in Emperor, is the day when Leo was in transform into snake.

"Leo control yourself." said Lynx;

The child doesn't in control. Lynx has no idea what going on. He was pretending that the child was dangerous in his part. Lynx was petrified because of attack of Leo. The snake was go in the kingdom. He destructs all structure of the kingdom. Almost the snake has three hundred meters all that why the snake can cause destruction to the people. Leo is almost harmful. He is going to the kingdom to destruct the community of the kingdom. The first he breaks is the community of the people that the houses are beautiful. The snake was full forced because it is big and high in mass. In this event, Leo was destructed a thousand of shelter by the people. The second is community of the emperor; he destructed the factories and other workshop in that community. The third he destruct is the kingdom of emperor. He is the child who held the thousands of people. The kingdom breaks down; the emperor was shock when he saw the big snake. The emperor transform into a python. Leo was beginning to fight and the emperor. Lynx was woke up and he go to the kingdom to talk Leo. The destructed is almost damage to the community. The two snakes are continuing fighting.

"This snake is too crucial, I can't believe it. The tragic has raise in our community.' said Lynx.

The emperor continues to fight for his community. Lynx has transformed to snake. But Leo was out of control, so Leo was do something to break the emperor. Leo is insane. He is not able to fix himself. He is very strong to fight because he is a little boy. So Lynx is on their side of the emperor. The adrenaline or the chemical that can be possible that back into a human is not effective because he became larger again. So the snake can destruct a whole world. The child is not stop to doing the destruction. Consequently the snake was in control when professor Lynx was push the injection with chemical to the skin of Leo, however the chemical he stabbed was wrong. The child was very unpredictable. They didn't kill the snake because of his durability and strength. On the other hand, Lynx was able to create some chemical that can return into a half snake and half human. So he creates a chemical for change, to return Leo into in human. But now he only has a short period of time. So that he create a chemical immediately. On the other side the emperor was do his best to suppress Leo to the kingdom. Emperor Demetrius continues to fight for their community. He tried to knock out Leo; many people cooperate to suppress Leo until Leo was back to normal