Chapter 1

"Lila, are you awake yet?"

Lila rolled on her bed with a mumble and stuffed her face onto her pillow. This lasted a few more minutes before a cold chill crept up her foot. She screeched and jumped away from the source. She glared blearily at her laughing brother.

"Will, you piece of-"

"No cursing allowed, Lila." Will snorted as he wagged a finger at her.

"'No cursing allowed, Lila'- You're one to talk." Lila scoffed and combed a hand through her hair.

Will rolled his eyes and left through her bedroom door with a wave of his hand, "Whatever, Lila. You better get ready or else you'll be late."

Lila huffed and got down from her bed. She grabbed a towel and entered her bathroom. As she showered, she heard a loud bang and paused. It was silent except for the running water until there was another loud bang. She turned off the shower and started to dry herself as she listened once more for anything else.

When she stood before her vanity to comb her hair, her door burst open and she screamed. Will shut the door and gave her a sheepish smile, "I'll hide out here for a minute."

"I need to change." Lila hissed.

"Come on, Lila. Help your big bro out?"

"No, get out."

"Awe, come on. Leo is angry that-"

"-You froze his shower?" Lila deadpanned. He grinned at her and she facepalmed, "You do this every day, Will. When will you stop?"

"When Leo starts to wake up earlier than me." He suggested.

"Okay, no. Out." Lila opened the door and pushed her brother out. She paused before she locked her door and went back to her vanity. "One day. Just one day of silence."

Immediately after she said that, a siren sounded inside their house and she groaned. She heard a commotion outside before she noticed three different colored streaks in the sky. She rolled her eyes and proceeded to change into her uniform.

When she walked down to the kitchen, she noticed her mother reading the newspaper. She smiled as she approached her mother and kissed her cheek, "Morning, mom."

"Morning, Delilah." Her mother, Catherine, greeted back.

"Anything that happened while I changed?"

"It seems like your brothers will be a bit late to class."

"And Will said I'll be late," Lila muttered to herself as she sat herself down.

"You already know how those three are." Her father laughed as he placed two plates filled with eggs on the table, "They are quite powerful."

Lila hummed and played with her plate of eggs, "So, what's the bet about today?"

Catherine placed the paper down and grinned at her daughter, "Fifteen minutes."

"Thirty minutes." Daniel absent-mindedly added.

"You have zero faith in them despite being powerhouses."

"What do you have to say?" Daniel challenged.

"Second period." Lila grinned at her parents.

"That's worse." Catherine mused as she began to eat.

"That's my job as their sister." Lila declared, "To put their ego down."

The three laughed good-heartedly and finished their breakfast. After she placed her plate in the sink, she waved her parents goodbye and left the house with her shoulder bag. As she walked down the street to their school, she heard the mindless gossip of the people in their neighborhood.

"They're at it again."

"What is it this time?"

"A robbery? A murder?"

"I heard it was the escaped convict from last week. He finally worked up the nerve to show himself."

Lila sighed at the news and continued her walk to school. It wasn't long before she was joined by her best friend, Piper. She smiled at the blonde as she skipped to her side with a wide smile, "So, they're at it again?"

"Yep." Lila shrugged. Piper was the only person her family allowed to know about their secret. She only knew because she was 'adopted' into the family when she revealed her parents were barely there. This led to hilarious scenarios where the family hid away their powers until Leo had enough and blasted Will through a wall.

"Well then, what's the highest bet?"


"How long?"

"Second period."

"So, do you have an excuse for them this time?"

"I always do, Piper. It's become my past time." Lila dramatically placed an arm over her eyes.

Piper laughed as she nudged her friend, "Well then, stay sharp cause I see Harriet."

Lila groaned as the auburn-haired female approached the two, "Kill me now."


"It's Lila." She gritted her teeth. She never liked anyone other than her family calling her by her full name. Not even the teachers.

"Fine, Lila. Have you seen Leo?" The girl huffed as she crossed her arms.

"Have you tried calling him?" Lila asked sweetly.

"Yes, he isn't answering."

"Oh, that's sad." Lila batted her lashes.

Harriet gripped her arm hard, "Are you not going to tell me where he is?"

"I'm not his babysitter. If he won't tell you, why should I?"

"You're his sister!"

"Yes, thank you for reminding me." Lila brushed past the fuming girl and pulled Piper along, "I do not see why Leo even likes her."

Piper laughed at her friend, "Well, he is the hotheaded jock as you like to call him."

"Yes, a supposedly smart hotheaded jock."

"Let's not think about your brother's mistakes cause uh-oh... looks who's coming."

Lila turned her head to see Harriet hot on their heels. She cringed and pulled an amused Piper with her as she weaved through the crowds. She turned a corner and entered their first-period classroom. She released a breath of relief as Harriet stomped past the classroom. Piper laughed at the flustered face of her friend and sat herself down on her seat.

"Why didn't you just... you know." Piper wiped away imaginary tears.

"It's too dangerous. Too many witnesses." Lila whispered conspiratorially.

Piper snorted, "Sure, and the incident last week had a valid reason?"

Lila pouted and crossed her arms. While her brothers had inherited their father's elemental manipulation, she had inherited her mother's powers. It wasn't as flashy as the 'Elemental Trio' as they liked to be called but she loved it for what it was. While her mother and her both kept their powers a secret from the boys, they knew it was just to poke fun at them easily.

She faced the board and smiled as she made the air around her shift. She heard Piper gasp and almost laughed out loud. She concentrated and placed a finger to her lips. Slowly, she breathed out a cloud of white smoke that surrounded her for a second before it seeped into her skin. She felt a thin layer settle over her and turned towards Piper.

"I thought you said-"

"Who cares what Lila says?" Lila mimics Leo's voice. "I'm always right and Harriet deserves me."

There was a pause. Piper stared at the Leo copy before her with a blank face. Lila raised an eyebrow and Piper burst out laughing. When the door opened, Lila let the layer fall off her and she turned to face the board once more. Piper continued to laugh in spite of the stares her classmates gave her.

Lila stifled a laugh as she waited for her teacher to arrive. Sure, her power wasn't as flashy as her brothers' but it was fun. She glanced at Piper and winked at her. It wasn't long before their teacher walked into the class and they greeted her.

When the bell rang, the students filed out to walk to their second period. Lila looked around and noted her missing brothers. She smirked and looked down at her watch, "A few more minutes and I'll win the bet.

"What's the price this time?" Piper asked as she placed a few books into her locker.

"I forgot to ask." Lila hummed and shouldered her bag, "Let's go."