Chapter 2

Lila entered her second-period class and looked out the window. She noted the three streaks of color and smirked, it looked like she won right when the bell rang once more. She turned to face the board and take down notes.

She waited patiently before the door burst open to show her three older brothers, Will, Leo and Tim. She snorted and let her hair fall to hide her face as she changed her voice to call out, "Wrong class!"

Will cursed under his breath while Tim fumbled with an excuse as Leo apologized profusely to the teacher. The three turned around and Lila stifled her laughter at their predicament. There was a pause in the class before loud chatter burst out. Lila knew why- her brothers were pretty famous in their school. She smirked as the dubbed 'Princes of Stratz High' embarrassed themselves.

It took a while for the teacher to the class down before they could resume the subject. Lila's mood lightened immediately as she continued to listen to the teacher. She couldn't wait until this little mishap would reach the school body.

As the bell rung, noise burst across the class even before they left. Lila continued to smile as she left the classroom and find Piper. She had Study Hall and she needs to hear the latest gossip. When she found her friend, she ambushed her with a large smile, "Did you hear?"

"Yeah," Piper rubbed her arm, "news travels fast here."

"I feel like someone texted someone else about it." Lila shrugged.

"You're not uncomfortable?"

"Why should I? I'm not the topic of discussion."

"Oh boy, I wonder how Harriet would react to this."

Lila hummed, "Yes, her special goody-two-shoes boyfriend not being early? How horrendous."

"It's funny how different those three are during school."

"They say it's to practice. For what, I have no idea."

"Are you going to tell their Homeroom teacher why they're late?"

"Nope, It's best they inform her themselves. Allow them to be 'independent'." Lila placed quotation marks on her last word. The two rounded the corner and they saw the three brothers scowling at Lila.

"Lila, why didn't you tell Ms. Sawyer about our 'predicament'?" Leo frowned at his sister.

"Well, I thought you'd come earlier so I thought you wouldn't need one." Lila innocently batted her lashes.

"And Harriet didn't even ask about me?"

"Oh she did..." Lila snorted.

"You're worried about your girlfriend while our reputation could burn?" Will screeched at his brother.

"She needs to know an excuse..."

"Our grades are on the line!" Will hissed back.

"Funny coming from the trickster of the group." Lila rolled her eyes.

"Lila..." Tim sighed, "Tell us the truth."

"Fine, I didn't see your teacher on the way to my first class because Leo's darling girlfriend chased after me," Lila smirked.

"I don't understand why you three are not fond of Harriet. She's actually very nice." Leo turned to his brothers.

"If you meant gold digger and slut? Sure, she really is nice." Will sneered as he goaded his brother.

"I don't like her personality." Tim shrugged and turned away.

Leo sent an accusing look at Lila who put up her hands, "I don't like her, period."

"Piper..." Leo turned to the 'adopted' sister.

She shrugged and looked away to hide her smile, "I don't enjoy her company and her shrill voice."

"You four..." Leo dragged his hand down his face. "I'll have to go find her and explain."

"Yes..." Lila purred, "Go find your we-"

"LILA!" Piper shrieked and hit her shoulder with a laugh, "Be nice!"

"I am." Lila giggled, "I'm being honest."

"Anything we missed, Lila?" Tim turned to his sister.

"Nope, nothing important at least."

"Alright, we'll see you two at lunch." Will sighed and waved them off.

"For triplets, they're very individual," Piper observed.

"They aren't connected by their brains, more on the brawn though." Lila smiled at her friend, "Do you want to go to the library?"

"Sure." Piper smiled back and the two left for the silence of the library.

When the two reached the library, Lila noticed the groups there were whispering to one another. She snorted and plopped herself down on a chair near the middle of the library with Piper at her side. She took out a few of her notebooks and started on her unfinished homework due that day. The two worked in silence for a moment before Piper nudged Lila.

"Yo, I overhead Harriet's name." She whispered to her friend.

"Anything else?"

"No, it's really low."

Lila hummed and the air around her thickened. She turned to look at the group Piper was looking at and focused on the air around her. Slowly, the conversation started to become clear to her and she heard snippets of it.

"She was.... yeah, it... I heard...."

"Harr.... she really... wow..."

"Poor Leo... the.... and..."

Lila blinked and her focus shattered. What happened to her brother? She glared at the group and stood up. She ignored Piper's questions and approached the group with a growl, "What was that about my brother?"

The group jumped and turned to look at her with nervous smiles. The raven-haired girl spoke first, "Well, uh- it wasn't long ago but-"

"Straight to the point." Lila hissed out.

"Harriet and James are a thing!" The brown-haired male blurted out.

"What?!" Lila screeched as she slammed her hand on the table. The librarian and other students turned to shush her but her anger grew. "Since when?"

"Since Leo started disappearing during classes and such."

Lila clenched her jaw and refrained herself from cursing the girl to Pluto and back. She took a deep breath and smiled at the group nicely, "Where did you hear this?"

"Harriet has been bragging about it in her second account." The girl explained, "Her anonymoues one."

"Thanks." Lila smiled at the group and walked back to Piper who looked concerned.

"What's up? What did you hear?"

"I will murder Harriet sooner or later, watch me." Lila hissed out as she shoved her things into her bag.

"Wait, what did you hear?" Piper chased after Lila when she brought her things to leave the library.

"Harriet will pay. She will learn why they earned the title 'Princes'." Lila continued to rant.

"Lila! Just tell me what happened."

"Everything she's done, I've put up with it because she was nice to Leo and made him happy. Not now, not anymore!"

"Lila! Calm down and talk to me!" Piper grabbed her friend by her shoulders and spun her around. She stared at her in the eyes and said slowly, "Tell me what you heard."

"Harriet. She has been cheating on Leo with James." Lila hissed through clenched teeth.

"She's been what?" Piper let go in shock.


"But- but- Leo has been so nice. He- why would she do that?"

"Apparently, it was because of his disappearances."

"She should've waited!"

"Yes! I know! But did she? No!"

Piper combed a hand through her hair before she turned to Lila, "We have to be calculating about this. We can't outright tell Leo."

"What?" Lila paused as she stared at her.

"Leo will be enraged." Piper explained slowly.

"Of course he will be! I am and it isn't about me!"

"Exactly, if you are this enraged... Imagine Leo's reaction."


"Now do you see where I'm coming from? With his temper-"

"He would burn the whole school down..." Lila muttered and let her hands drop from her tangled and short black hair.

"Exactly." Piper paused, "I'm not saying to not tell him, but bluntly doing so might make him do something he will regret."

"Oh my..." Lila groaned into her hands, "I hate being the good guy..."

Piper sent her an apologetic smile, "Don't we all?"

"So, what now?"

"We do this... calmly. We try to see how long the thing has been going on for and try to see if Harriet has been acting a bit different with Leo. Other than that, we find Harriet's fake account and stalk it."

"Alright... that's fine." Lila breathed out and narrowed her eyes, "Sooner or later, I will ruin Harriet."