
After Tatsuya took off the other nekos looked at his team and asked, "Can he really defeat them all on his own?" His teammates looked at the Nekos and said, "Instead of worrying about him you all should pity at the fate of those who are coming here. He can completely annihilate all the devils coming here without even trying." All of them looked at his team with shock while they all simply smiled.

Tatsuya continued to fly for a while and soon he came across the nekopervert and his army. Tatsuya looked at Naberius and said, "Yo nekopervert, I am very surprised that you survived."

Naberius glared at him and said, "You, I will fucking kill you. You not only took my lab rats away but you destroyed my whole laboratory as well. All the years of my hardwork suddenly destroyed i will not let you live."

Tatsuya yawned and said, "Done your ranting? Good, so shall we begin."

Hearing him Naberius gave a menacing smile and said, "Yes, we should begin. And to make sure to surely kill you I brought the most powerful weapon that we have ever created. Thankfully it was stored in my mansion's storehouse. Bring it boys."

As he said that the devils who were in the front shifted from their positions and revealed some devils(labours) carrying a huge ass machine.

Tatsuya looked at the machine for a while and then said, "What does it do nekopervert? Does it change anyone in the surrounding to a nekomata who you can 'play' with."

As Tatsuya said that the devils who were carrying the machine suddenly lost strength in their arms and the machine started to fall down. They all started to back away from Naberius and looked at him with a disgusted look.

Naberius saw this and said, "You fools catch that right now. Why would I bring such a thing to kill someone." As he said that the devils rushed to the machine and somehow managed to catch it before it fell on the ground.

Tatsuya then looked at Naberius with a surprised expression and said, "Then do you mean that you really did made such a machine."

Everyone looked at Naberius with expectant gaze and seeing those looks Naberius became embarrassed and shouted, "Why would I tell you about that. Shut up and let me kill you."

Suddenly a devil who was standing beside Naberius came towards him and whispered and asked, "Master can we even make lolis by that machine." Naberius looked at him and said, "Indeed, but that machine is still in development phase, once it's done I will make sure to let you all try that." Suddenly the man's eyes shined brightly with enthusiasm. He looked at the rest of the devils and shouted, "Fellow devils master Naberius have developed a machine by which we can make legal lolis and has promised us to let us try that. Our days of salvation are not far now." The other devils who heard him became enthusiastic and shouted, "All Hail Naberius-sama all hail lolis."

Seeing that Tatsuya looked at all of them and thought, 'The whole Naberius territory is lolicon. That's must be the reason that they didn't even touch those nekoshou I saved earlier.'

Tatsuya waited for them to calm down a bit and said, "You all done pervs." Naberius looked at Tatsuya and said, "You sure are eager to die. Ok men let's I'll him soon. The sooner we kill him the faster I can start making 'that'machine. All the devils looked at Tatsuya with a fire in their eyes and shouted, "Give your orders Naberius-sama"

Naberius started laughing and said, "Start the machine." A devil standing at the rear of the machine nodded and pressed a button.

Tatsuya got ready for an attack to come towards him but even after waiting for a while the attack didn't came. Tatsuya looked at Naberius confusedly and said, "Are you really sure that your machine is working?" Naberius looked at Tatsuya and said, "Of course it is we just have to wait for it to charge up a bit. How do you expect a large attack if we don't have enough energy to support it."

Tatsuya looked at him weirdly and thought, 'So this is the infamous charging time. I feel like it is similar to downloading a high end game on a computer. Well let's wait for a bit, I am not in a hurry anyway.'

Tatsuya placed his hands on his shoulder and asked, "So how much time will it take?" Naberius looked at him and said, "About half an hour." Tatsuya nodded and said, "Well when it is almost ready tell me ok." Naberius nodded and then started looking at the loading screen.Tatsuya took out a book and started reading it.

When the half an hour was almost complete Naberius looked at Tatsuya and said, "You should get ready it's 95% charged. Tatsuya nodded and put the book back.

Naberius looked at the screen and started counting,





Just as he said 99 Tatsuya took a rock and threw it at the machine with a bit of his strength and destroyed it. Tatsuya then looked at Naberius's face and thought, "Ah! that look of despair reminds me of myself whenever it happened to me while downloading a large file. He must be feeling completely torn from the inside now.'

Naberius looked at Tatsuya and said, "What have you done, you destroyed it when it was almost complete. How can you be so cruel." Tatsuya looked back at him and didn't said anything. He then showed him a mocking smile making him getting enraged.

Naberius looked at the devils and shouted, "KILL HIM!!!"

Tatsuya didn't said anything and took out his 'Neo Serveresta' and started to charge magic in it. The devils didn't cared about him and started firing various magic attacks at him. Tatsuya continued to dodge the attack and once the sword was completely charged he said, "Now let's test the last one." He moved the hand holding the sword to his side and said, "Void splitter" and slashed the air in front of him.

As soon as he executed the slash a huge black wave of energy in the form of a slash rised towards the devils destroying all the magic attacks in the process. Seeing the attack coming towards him Naberius tried to avoid the attack but was not able to. To him it looked like the attack was trying to pull it towards itself. Naberius looked at the attack in horror and soon the slashed through him and the other devils cutting them all in the process. Some of them even tried to place a barrier in front of them but the attack phased through them without any resistance.

Tatsuya looked at the one sided massacre in front of him and said, "Well looks like my job is done. But today I learned a new thing." He nodded his head and looked like he was thinking deeply. He then opened his eyes and said. "Looks like Azazel is not the only pervert who made something like a genderbender gun." He said that and started flying back.