The story does not produce an emotional connection with the characters or the story. It has good potential, but had it been any longer, I probably wouldn’t have finished it because it feels rushed and underdeveloped.
3 years ago
This book is awesome. I love this book. It started off good the middle was good. Everything about this book was amazing I cannot wait to the nest book with the kids in it and how their mom got to that. cave. I'm in all on how he knew that was her and her dragon form. That was awesome on how he knew that. It was weird that the hunter knew who she was. And that the hunter had information about another power she didn't know about. That was weird. The only thing is are we even sure that the hunter is dead because she said he went over the waterfall but don't forget he has some kind of powers as well so oh, I'm not sure he did I hope so in 7 years
The story does not produce an emotional connection with the characters or the story. It has good potential, but had it been any longer, I probably wouldn’t have finished it because it feels rushed and underdeveloped.
This book is awesome. I love this book. It started off good the middle was good. Everything about this book was amazing I cannot wait to the nest book with the kids in it and how their mom got to that. cave. I'm in all on how he knew that was her and her dragon form. That was awesome on how he knew that. It was weird that the hunter knew who she was. And that the hunter had information about another power she didn't know about. That was weird. The only thing is are we even sure that the hunter is dead because she said he went over the waterfall but don't forget he has some kind of powers as well so oh, I'm not sure he did I hope so in 7 years