Chapter 9: Exception

"Brother! Brother, are you okay!?" Cedra yelled as Alphonse woke up.

"Better if you weren't yelling in my ears." Alphonse responded. Cedra looked a bit embarrassed.

"I'm gonna go get big sis Aila..." Cedra said as she left. Alphonse nodded and waited. A few minutes later Aila walked in.

"You okay?" Aila asked. Alphonse nodded in response.

"Brother, why do you only talk to me?" Cedra asked. Alphonse looked to her and smiled, though he didn't respond.

"It probably has something to do with the fact that you're his twin." Aila said. Alphonse didn't say anything on the matter. Cedra accepted this answer and walked out of the room to do her daily routine. Aila looked around, both inside the house and outside, then closed the door. "We don't know when the plan will commence, though it could take a really long time, we have to have the necessary preparations." Aila said quietly. Alphonse nodded with a serious expression.

"Don't be rash... take your time..." Alphonse said quietly.

"I didn't quite catch that..." Aila said as Alphonse looked up and shook his head as if telling her it doesn't matter. Aila's expression said what she was thinking, 'I should've expected that response.' Aila left the room as Alphonse got up to go train.

Alphonse is in the dojo, training basic stances while sparring when he thought. 'I wonder if I can talk to Koyuki while I am alive? Maybe I could ask Pri... No, I shouldn't' Alphonse tripped a little and Raeloph took this moment to find an opening, he attacked with a simple hook and hit Alphonse in the crown of the head, sending him to the ground.

"Head out of the clouds! Get up or I'll kick you!" Raeloph yelled. Alphonse got up quickly and took stance.

'I'll try later...' Alphonse said as he continued training.

(eighteen hours later)

'So, how could I even try to talk to her?' Alphonse thought to himself. 'I need answers!' He yelled in his mind. Alphonse began pacing around as he thought about it.

"Brother... You should sleep when you can..." Cedra said drowsily.

"I-I'm fine Cedra, do not worry..." Alphonse responded as he began to focus on his current train of thought.

'I met her in the afterlife, and it did not seem to be a bad place, so she must be an angel, right? Wait, weren't all angels male or something?' Alphonse thought to himself.


Koyuki was looking in her well of sight and was watching Alphonse and reading his thoughts. "According to who!" She yelled. 'Well, he isn't wrong, I am actually an exception, but still!' She thought angrily.


'I have an idea!' Alphonse thought to himself as he grabbed a few sticks he managed to snag from somewhere. He grabbed some twine and some incense, then a couple of pieces of flint and hay. 'In Christianity, well technically Judaism, they did burnt offerings, right?' Alphonse thought. 'Well, technically they were to get rid of sin, but I do not care about that!' He thought as he gave up on his previous plan.

"Fine." Koyuki's emotionless voice rang in Alphonse's head. Alphonse looked around confused. "What? You wanted to talk, right? It just so happens that I was tasked with watching over you, so ask your questions." Koyuki said emotionlessly.

"R-right..." Alphonse said as he left his room quietly. When Alphonse was in an area where he could talk he began asking questions. "Aren't angels supposed to be guys?" He asked.

"How do you know I'm not a demon?" Koyuki asked in response. Alphonse looked up.

"Firstly, aren't demons just fallen angels who turned to, well, you know who? And secondly, the way you behave is not like a demon, entirely that is." Alphonse responded.

"Tch. It looks like your more well versed than I thought." Koyuki said. "Well, I am a sort of exception to that rule... Wait, what do you mean entirely?" Koyuki asked, keeping her tone just like a kuudere's.

{Since the author didn't elaborate here, I will. A kuudere is a character type, often seen in anime. Kuudere's often sound emotionless and rarely ever make facial expressions.} Prism explained.

Ignoring that, Alphonse continued. "So you are an exception amongst the angels?" Alphonse asked.

"Yes." Koyuki said plainly.

"Huh, interesting... Alright, why did I reincarnate if there is an afterlife?" Alphonse asked in a serious tone.

"I'm unable to tell you at this time, there will be someone you can ask at a later period of time." Koyuki responded.

"Why!?" Alphonse asked with an annoyed tone.

"You'll know at some point." She responded.

"Stingy granny..." Alphonse said trying to coax a response. Koyuki began to tremble with anger, though her expression remained calm.

"I am not that old." Koyuki said even more emotionlessly than before.

"Yeah yeah, whatever." Alphonse responded. "Well, that was all, thanks for the answers." Alphonse said.

"Sure, I was just bored after all..." Koyuki responded.

'Makes sense...' Alphonse thought to himself

"Bye." Koyuki said as her voice faded. Alphonse walked back upstairs and sat on his bed.


(1st moon, 19th day, 454 Lu.)

Alphonse walked downstairs after staying up all night, as has been more and more often been becoming his routine. "Get ready for endurance training." Raeloph said. Alphonse nodded and followed Raeloph to the training room. "Stand there." Raeloph said pointing to the sparring arena. "Do not move, do not block." He said as he grabbed a bo staff.

Alphonse stayed where he was, knowing if he didn't he would get beaten worse. Raeloph walked to Alphonse and struck Alphonse's gut with the staff by swinging it. Alphonse collapsed and began feeling sick to his stomach as the pain began to swell. "Up." Raeloph said gruffly. Alphonse quickly got up, just for the staff to be swung at the back of his knee, forcing it to give out and bring him back to the ground. This cycle continued for a while.