Volume 2: Prologue

(Fifth moon, Tenth day, 459 Lu; Time: 23:32)

The moon is red and full over the last stronghold of the Amythest Crystal Wolf race. "Boss, are you sure we should do this so soon? I mean we attacked just a week ago, they'll be on guard." A large man said as he looked at Xiao Li.

"Yes, I am sure, we have done a lot of damage to their walls as of late and their enchanted defense was destroyed in our last battle. Those untalented dogs will fall with our next battle!" Xiao Li exclaimed as she looked to the campfire. 'I just want to get back to the sect already, I'm tired of having to camp! Nine years! I've been on this job for nine years! I don't even care if those mutts live or not!' Xiao Li thought to herself.

"Jian Fei, you know that she wants to get back to the sect as fast as possible, after all, each of her failures, starting with her failure in preventing the chief's wife from giving birth, caused this all." Another man said from across the fire.

"It is my responsibility to take care of my failures, and I want to show the sect leader that I am worthy and skillful." Xiao Li said as she tried to deny the previous claim, though it was accurate. "Is Fing Zhi finished with the preparations?" Xiao Li asked.

"Huang He said Fing Zhi should be done soon." Jian Fei said.

"Good. The battle will commence in ninety minutes, be prepared!" Xiao Li exclaimed.

(Fifth moon, Eleventh day, 459 Lu; Time: 1:00 am)

"Tell Huang He he has five minutes, otherwise we leave without him!" Xiao Li yelled as she got onto her horse.

"Yes, ma'am!" A man said as he rode off towards the camp.

'I need this win! If I can wipe out this settlement I will have access to all sorts of cultivating materials! When I get those, I can finally live peacefully, passing all tribulations with flying colors!' Xiao Li thought to herself as she giggled to herself a little.

After a few minutes, Huang Fe and the man he had left previously rode up and stopped next to Xiao Li. "We have made our preparations and have the flaming arrows." Huang Fe said.

"Good, let's go!" Xiao Li commanded.

"With Xiao Li at the Spiritual Condensation realm, there's no way we can be defeated by those low potential mutts!" Fing Zhi said assuredly.