Chapter 4: Jin-Mei Sect Invitation

Alphonse waited calmly for Min Li to attack as he analyzed the stance, looking for weaknesses. Alphonse noticed that the fist you make in the leopard stance is quite different from usual, you bend your fingers towards your palms up to the first joint from the knuckles, as if imitating the paws of a leopard.

As Min Li began to come closer, Alphonse also slowly closed in as he got impatient waiting for an attack. When the two were less than two feet apart, Min Li lunged forwards and started a series of attacks, starting with a palm attack towards the gut, then an elbow attack aimed towards the head followed by a knee attack.

Alphonse managed to dodge the attacks, but on the last one, he had to jump back farther than he wanted. "You can at least dodge well!" Min Li said. Alphonse came closer to Min Li and started his own series of attacks, starting with a kick, then going to a palm attack aimed for the neck followed by a knee to the stomach, then an elbow to the shoulder. Only the last two hit. "You're stronger than you look." Min Li said.

"That's... On... Ly... Five per... Cent..." Alphonse said as Min Li started an attack. Min Li looked surprised for a moment.

"Leader, this kid's strength is terrifying if he's telling the truth, and he has barely even cultivated." Min Li said without taking her eyes off of Alphonse who had just started another set of attacks. Alphonse used a palm attack aimed at the gut, which Min Li dodged and countered with a knee aimed towards the head, Alphonse managed to dodge, but barely and kicked towards Min Li's side, trying to maintain his balance.

Alphonse managed to both keep his balance and land his kick, which he quickly followed up with but using a palm attack aimed at the gut which he also managed to land. Alphonse continued to attack, constantly alternating between different attacks and attacking weak spots.

After Alphonse's eighth attack of this set, Min Li dodged and countered, hitting Alphonse for the first time, though it was blocked, Min Li had attacked with an elbow attack which was blocked by Alphonse's forearms. Alphonse subconsciously switched to the tiger stance and started to attack with another set.

Keeping his hands in the paw-like form, Alphonse punched, using the part of his fist that is facing forwards like a piercing weapon and hit Min Li's solar plexus. Min Li immediately reacted and fell to the ground breathing heavily as she held her chest.

"Alright, that's enough. Thank you Min Li, you may go back to the carriage." Xiao Shi said. Min Li got up slowly and nodded as she started to walk back to the carriage, panting heavily, still holding her chest. "Child, you are quite skilled, who was your teacher?" Xiao Shi asked.

"Rae... Loph..." Alphonse said with a cold voice.

"Your father?" Yu asked.

"I... Will... Never... See him... As... That...!" Alphonse said with a cold, but angry voice. Yu was confused but didn't ask anything further.

"As I said previously, I will be back in two days time, be ready to leave by then." Xiao Shi said as he walked back to his carriage.

"Alphonse, I'll let you stay with us since you will both be going to the Jin-Mei Sect." Yu said. Alphonse shook his head.

"I... Will find... Some... Way... Else... To have... Shel... Ter..." Alphonse said as he walked away.

"At least visit my home so you can go there in two days, Xiao Shi will likely go there to pick her up, so you can go there and save some time two days from now." Yu said. Alphonse nodded and followed Yu.

Alphonse followed Yu and Sarah for a few minutes, then they arrived. The house isn't anything spectacular, just a three-bedroom house with a living room/kitchen, the entire house is about 1200 sq/ft. "You're sure you don't want to stay here?" Yu asked. Alphonse nodded and walked away.

{A sect, according to your memories will have materials for cultivation, this is a big chance for you.} Prism said. Alphonse nodded and wandered into the market.

'I should find a way to get some money, I need new clothes anyway.' Alphonse thought to himself as he left the city to go gather whatever he could find. After around thirty minutes Prism spoke up again.

{What is it you are looking for, it is hard for me to tell if our minds aren't linked.} She said. Alphonse sighed.

"Act... Ivate... Mind... Link..." Alphonse said.

{Activation Succesful: you have taken a while, it is good to hear from you properly.} Prism said.

'Yeah... I just need to find some herbs, I can't very well go around looking like a hobo." Alphonse said to Prism.

{Ah, I see, it does make sense, and now that I think about it, why didn't anyone say anything about your clothes?} Prism asked.

'My guess is that they assumed I was given these to escape more successfully, after all, I look like a servant in these clothes and people tend to pay less attention to them.' Alphonse explained.

{I think you overestimate people, but that doesn't matter much... Why do you speak so slowly?} Prism asked.

'I've had a hard time speaking ever since the time Raeloph put the glowing orange sword to my neck. My guess is it messed up my vocal cords and they need to be healed.' Alphonse responded. 'Anyway, we should continue looking for stuff to gather, we need money as soon as possible...' Alphonse reminded Prism

{Right, I know what 1000-year-old ginseng looks like and can sense it's spiritual ki signature, so let's search for that.} Prism said as she urged Alphonse to go a certain direction. Alphonse followed the suggestion and after an hour found a cave that Prism says has 1000-year-old Ginseng.

Alphonse entered and his body instantly froze as a breath went down his back. As Alphonse turned around he saw a giant wolf with a purple coloration of fur. As Alphonse's eyes scoured the wolf he saw that its eyes were the same as his own, purple and crystalline.