Chapter 3: Another Survivor

Alphonse stepped back as he grabbed onto Sarah's robe. Sarah looked over and saw a terrified expression on Alphonse's face. The woman around the courtyard and saw Alphonse and Sarah. She walked over to them.

"Those boneheads! They let two of them go!" The woman yelled. "Raeloph's familial bond! I told them to eradicate his line, his entire family! But they let two go!" She yelled.

"Two...?" Alphonse mumbled in terror as his grip tightened.

"Alphonse?" Sarah said as she looked at him. "Alphonse, are you okay?" She asked.

"I... Who survived...?" Alphonse asked quietly as a mixture of shock and terror covered his face.

"You have no idea!?" The woman asked as she laughed. "Some mother she is!" The woman said as she threw the cloaked woman to the ground as the cloak hood came off revealing her face. "Who would've thought the wife of Raeloph wouldn't even attempt to communicate with her own son?" The woman asked rhetorically as she laughed maniacally.

Xiao Shi stood up slowly and walked over to the woman. "I see no black dragon in your future, only a white dragon." he said as he punched the woman's spinal cord.

"Black... Dragon?" Alphonse mumbled as the woman collapsed.

"Alphonse, what are you saying? You keep mumbling incomprehensibly." Sarah said. Xiao Shi walked over to Alphonse and Sarah.

"Are you two okay?" He asked.

"I am... But Alphonse... Has been like that ever since the 'attack' started." Sarah said as she pointed to Alphonse.

"I see... I have already gotten a few reports saying there are more Mu Yu sect members coming, luckily we got a weak one, but there are stronger members all around the sect, you two should go hide inside the inner sect since you have yet to gain much strength." Xiao Shi said as he motioned Min Li over.

Min Li walked over and Xiao Shi explained to her what she needed to do. "Alright, Master, All outer sect disciples below true soul realm, follow me!" She yelled as she began to walk to the exit. Sarah began to follow her but found herself stopped when Alphonse wouldn't move.

"Alphonse, we have to go." Sarah said.

"Her..." He mumbled.

"What?" Sarah asked.

"Help her... Please help me help her." Alphonse said as he looked at his mother. Sarah thought for a moment, then nodded as she got her robe loose of Alphonse's grip and kneeled beside Edrit.

"Okay." Sarah said as she put Edrits arm around her neck. Alphonse copied the motions that Sarah had done and proceeded to help carry Edrit. Alphonse and Sarah then followed Min Li. Min Li lead the large group of people out of the courtyard and through some roads, then reached a small building.

Min Li paused for a moment, then grabbed a necklace with a dark blue gem. She moved the gem up to the lock of the door, and after a few moments, a light shone from the lock. She put the gem away and opened the door.

"Everyone enter!" Min Li said. People started walking in. Alphonse had waited around a minute to look at the entrance as he was in the back, but once he looked in, he saw a staircase that leads underground.

Alphonse and Sarah entered. Once they were at the bottom of the staircase they saw a large room with three hallways stemming off of it. One hallway behind them, and one on either side of the room. At the front of the room is a small platform. Min Li walked in behind the group and closed several doors behind them.

She walked onto the platform, then faced the large group of outer sect members. She sighed as she adjusted her posture. "We are under attack by another sect!" Min Li yelled. "You are all here as you are not of the minimum cultivation level required to fight for the sect! You will be living here until those doors are opened! That could be a few hours or a few days, so be prepared to stay in longer than you expect!" Min Li explained. Someone raised their hand as they began speaking.

"Do you currently have an estimate for how long it will take?" A young man asked.

"Unfortunately we do not, however, the timeline I have given you is the most likely to occur, we do not have an exact time. Now, to your right is the rooms, we have more than enough for everyone here, and to the left is the dining room, storage rooms, and other rooms that we can assign as anything we may think we need." Min Li continued with her explanation. "Any other questions?" She asked.

A woman raised her hand. "Are there any bathing areas?" She asked.

"No, as this place is designed to only be used for a small period of time, the elders and sect leader decided not to include one." Min Li responded. "One last thing I forgot to mention, in the hallway to your left is also a medical center where we can deal with the wounded, so if you have any wounds please go to the medical center." Min Li explained.

Min Li spent the next few minutes answering questions. After Min Li was done answering questions, she walked off of the platform and walked up to Sarah and Alphonse.

"Who is this?" Min Li asked.

"My... Mom..." Alphonse said hesitantly. "I thought she died in the attack, but..." Alphonse said as he drifted into thought.

"This attack?" Min Li asked. Sarah shook her head.

"The only reason we were in that human city is that our home city, the stronghold of our race, was attacked and destroyed." Sarah explained.

"I see... It must've been hard for you guys to leave everything and everyone you know..." Min Li said.

"Not for me... I... wasn't attached to anything there..." Alphonse said.

"R-right..." Min Li said unsure of what to say next. Min Li cleared her throat. "Well, let's bring her to the medical center for now, then we can at least check her injuries." Min Li said in an attempt to change the subject.