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Chapter 1: Thanks

The author here, soon enough I will be putting this into the prologue volume, but for now, I will put it in front of everything to ensure all my readers see it.

When I started writing this book it was more or less to bring my imagination to fruition so I didn't actually think people would take much of an interest in it. Though I'm glad people have as it has given me more motivation and will to create more chapters.

I know I'm not the most active of authors and I apologize for that, but I'm glad that the characters I've made are being seen by others. Even if some of the reactions towards the content of the first volume isn't well perceived.

Since I will be putting this before the actual book, I won't mention any specific things that happen in the book as those would be spoilers, but I will say, it isn't for the faint of heart.

Chapter 2: Characters

If you haven't read the book, I want to mention that this chapter may have spoilers, so there is your warning.

Alphonse was originally going to have behaviors closely resembling my own, but as I expanded on the story I realized that it just wasn't logical to do that so I changed his mannerisms quite a bit.

If we are going from the MBTI scale, Alphonse is an INTJ while I am an INTP. Those of you who aren't well versed may think that it's just a one-letter difference so they must be pretty similar, but that's not the case. The way they process information and make decisions is completely different.

Sarah was originally supposed to be someone Alphonse and Cedra met early on in life at a noble's party, but I decided against that as it would easily be considered a plot device and I thought it just didn't fit since that would change Sarah and Alphonse's interactions completely.

On a side note, the culture of the Amethyst Crystal Wolf clan was originally going to be similar to medieval Europe, but I ultimately decided against that idea.

Prism was never supposed to exist. Originally Alphonse was just going to have a large amount of talent and skill, but I decided at the last minute to add Prism to help Alphonse along and help him keep his sanity as he endures everything. Yes, she is a plot device.

Chapter 3: Order

Again, spoilers.

The order of the story was originally going to be different and the story was going to start right after Alphonse had joined the Sect, sometimes I still think that it would've been a better starting place, but what's done is done and I can't change that.

Everything that happened would be slowly revealed over the course of the story, which may have made Alphonse come off as a jerk here and there, but more or less, there is a reason for every behavior he displays.

Chapter 4: MBTI (Only for those who are interested in the system and curious.)

Alphonse: INTJ-T

Sarah: ENFP-T

Prism: ESTJ-A

Raeloph: ENTJ-A

Cedra: INFJ-T

Kendal" INFP-T

Min Li: ESFP-A

Xiao Shi: INFJ-A

Edrit: ENFJ-T

Uncle Yu: ISTJ-T (Sarah's uncle for those of you who forgot, also, this is primarily a guess, I didn't go through my typing process for him.)

Cha[ter 5: Comments/Extra Thanks

If you read my book, I do ask that you comment when you think of something because it makes me quite happy, though it may seem a bit selfish. I also become more motivated to write when I see comments, especially positive ones.

I am quite thankful to everyone who has written a comment because, without all of you commenters, I may not have come this far in my book. I thank you not just for the comments, but also for the motivation and willpower you have given me for continuing this series.

I am quite the procrastinator, even on things I want to do, so I am glad that you all have helped me. I love seeing chapter comments, but even more so, I love seeing paragraph comments, they let me know your insight into what I've written and exactly which phrase or paragraph it is about without the need to write out what is being referenced.

Anyway, this thank you note has gotten quite long so I'll end off by just saying this.