100K View Special

We have reached one hundred thousand views on this book. I am very grateful to everyone who has read my book thus far. I know that one hundred thousand views on a book isn't too special an achievement, especially with the number of books with over a million views on the website/app.

Even so, I am excited to have reached such a landmark. Also, I am technically late in doing this as I wanted to finish the previous chapter before making this. Anyway, I want to let everyone reading in on a few characters in the universe I am crafting.

First, let's name some characters from this book.

Alphonse: The reincarnation of a boy from modern America. Alphonse went through quite a bit as a child and has since been in a much better state due to not only the people around him but also his attempts to get over the trauma. Alphonse is currently at the fourth step physical enhancement stage.

Alphonse also currently has a mysterious seed in his possession, which I forgot about... Don't worry, I'll remember to do stuff with it again, promise! We haven't even gotten to the part where it's important yet!

Sarah: A young girl from the same city as Alphonse. As of now, not much is known about her past other than she is originally from a loving family, however, her father was executed which caused her to spiral and seek vengeance. Currently, Alphonse and Sarah are on great terms. Sarah is currently at the seventh step mind enhancement stage.

Min Li: If I remember correctly she is currently fifteen or sixteen. Not much is known about the character, however, she is recurring and seen quite 'often'. Min Li is well-known throughout the Sect and can be found nearby the Sect Leader fairly often. Min Li is currently in the seventh step spirit condensation stage.

Xiao Shi: The Leader of the Jin-Mei Sect and a well-respected individual within the city his Sect is located within. He is seen as a very powerful figure and his current level of cultivation is unknown. Although he is well known, to most he is still quite the enigma as not much is known about him.

Edrit: Alphonse's mother. She was previously thought to be dead. She is a major individual in Alphonse's life, especially in the earlier portions. Edrit is not a cultivator, she is a magician.

Mathew Lockwin: ???

That's all for Ancient Cultivation. Now Elizabeth's misfortune.

Elizabeth: Elizabeth, the daughter of Lizbeth and Mark, is a young girl with an illness that is fatal in all cases, though only over a large period of time (Usually around ten-twenty years). The illness is incurable. She is not a cultivator or magician.

Elizabeth has inhuman hearing, is very logical, and comes from a strange family. She currently lives in modern-day Japan.

Lizbeth: Elizabeth's mother. Elizabeth and Lizbeth share the same name, however, Lizbeth is referred to as Lizbeth to differentiate between the two individuals. Lizbeth is a linguist and archeologist.

Mark: The father of Elizabeth. Mark used to own a company but had to sell it in order to afford the medication required for Elizabeth's illness. They moved to Japan and Mark became responsible for dealing with business deals within the company which bought out his company.

Mathew Lockwin: ???

Koyuki: This character is seen in all of my books and will be a recurring character as she is important lore-wise. Koyuki is an Archangel responsible for Alphonse, Elizabeth, and various other characters. Not much is known about this character. (I have an entire spin-off planned for her, no need to worry. Also, she wasn't always the monotone stone wall she is now.)

Books that arent released but I will reveal information on:

Phoenix Rebirth (Not stolen from x-men, it was a coincidence and my friend pointed it out to me... I can't stop thinking about it, so I may change the title.):

This book will follow the origin.

Beneath the Shadows:

This book follows a young girl named Emilia.

Emilia: A teenage girl who is albino. She has skills in hacking, programming, and combat. Emilia is an anonymous informant for several criminal organizations and government officials across her home country.

The Savage Era:

The savage era follows Kotaru Ikigai, a modern-day Japanese citizen who receives a text from a girl who calls herself Koyuki and claims to be an angel. After refusing to answer her questions, Kotaru was given a random ability/item and teleported into the past. (Not another world, very distinct differentiation.)

Contained Apocalypse:

The prologue for this is released, but it doesn't show anything about the main character.

Matvei: A zombie who managed to retain his sanity and memories and has received a system to slowly turn him back into a human.

I guess I'll also explain the cultivation levels. A step is what part of a cultivation level you are on, each level, or stage, of cultivation you are on, has a different amount of steps. Steps are divided by a shift in the quality and/or quantity of spiritual qi in the body.

There are many stages, however, only seventeen have been discovered. The first stage is the foundation stage which is separated into nine steps.

Second is the physical enhancement stage, which is separated into twelve steps, which have separate categories. Sensory enhancement (1-3), Nerve enhancement (4-6), Organ enhancement (7-9), and the bone/muscle enhancement (10-12).

The third is the Mind enhancement stage, which has twelve steps with no sub-steps.

The fourth is the Spiritual Condensation Realm. In this stage, you are condensing the core of your spiritual qi to allow for more spiritual qi and increase the quality of the qi itself.

The fifth is the True Soul realm. In order to enter this stage, you must pass a tribulation. This is the tribulation of truth. In order to pass, you must have an excellent understanding of yourself.

For now, that's all I will explain. The rest should come up in the novel!