Corrupted world

Long ren entered the portal and disappeared. He reappeared on other side of the portal. He exited the portal and got a clear look at the world. It looked like the post apocalyptic world which he saw in movies in past life. Only this had a much darker theme.

Long chen closed his eyes and made his mind relax. He could feel mixed types of elements moving towards him. After a while he opened his eyes and asked " xun, what are these elements. I couldn't sense the five basic elements."

[DING ! Host need not worry. The world you are in is a corrupted one. The elements you were sensing are evil, destruction, death and time.]

[DING ! The Evil and Time attributes are saint grade,which directly comes under chaos attribute.]

Long ren still confused ask " The presence of evil, destruction and death i understood, but why there are time elements."

[DING ! This whole world is under a Formation which slows down the rate of flow of time in this world. One day in this world is equal to Two days in host's world.]

Long ren cursed out loud 'F*CK!'. He was extremely irritated. He noticed that the elements are affecting his mood. He asked the system how to control the elements.

[DING ! Host need to absorb the elements into his body and try to gain understanding in them. A part of understanding of the beings killed by host will also be added to you.]

Long ren calmed down a bit after hearing that. He quickly sat in a somewhat safe place and started understanding the elements as the elements were flowing into him, they were also strengthening his body.

Long ren sat there for about a week and his understanding of elements increased significantly. The destruction element understanding of his was at 20 %. Evil attribute elements was surprisingly at 30%.Death attribute was at 10 % and time was at 5%.

Long ren the set out on his journey. He continued to absorb the evil energy which continued to improve his cultivation technique. After a day he finally met other being on this world. It was a large bear which is at immortal king level. Long ren finally understood why he didn't met any evil beasts, cause he was in the immortal bear king's territory.

Long ren didn't back out. He was neglecting his sword heart and decided to face the beast head on. The bear was a high level Immortal king. Long ren took out a spirit level spear and attacked with a 'propulsion thrust'. The spear injured the bear but to the beast it didn't matter as it was going straight for the kill with an attack of it's own.

Long ren evaded the attack and countered with his own. If it was a normal immortal king then long ren would surely suffer but it's mind was completely corrupted so it would get wounded by his attack.

Long ren would mix his understanding of destruction attribute in his attacks, so they became terrifying. The bear was enraged and attacks have become even more crazy and the spear broke. Long ren changed weapon to a sword and attacked the bear.

Long ren fought the bear for two hours but he couldn't kill it. He continued to fight for hours. The bear's condition was extremely sorry as he was missing many body parts. On the other hand long ren appeared to be beaten but the look on his face was as calm as it can be.

Long ren got feeling that he was getting nearer to his goal. His momentum was increasing as the time passed. After a time the bear was dead, long ren felt his understanding of evil, destruction and death increased. But he was far from satisfied, he wanted to fight. So he quickly scanned with his soul sense and located other beasts.

He went to their location and would fight with them for hours and kill them. He ignored all the notifications. He continued to kill the beasts without any rest for a week. He was already a mid Heaven immortal by then.

He was still unsatisfied and started to check the surroundings. He quickly found his target, this time it was a mid level immortal emperor and it was a tiger. Long ren launched the attack with his sword quickly.

The tiger was unhurt by the attack. It pounced towards long ren intending to bit his head off. Long ren quickly evaded it. But the tiger quickly caught up. Long ren was under huge pressure like never before.

He was trying to use every attack with his sword but it was not sufficient. He was getting beaten black and blue by the tiger. It first attacked to kill him but now playing him to his death. Long ren was getting super angry this time. But he didn't leave the sword he wanted to kill that damn tiger with his sword.

He attacked the tiger non stop. The tiger turned angry and struck him with its paw. Long ren got hit by the paw. He landed on the ground injured,he slowly got up. The chaos qi in his dantian was increasing at a faster rate.

The required amount of chaos qi was achieved and broke through in his cultivation technique. It was like a gate of a dam was lifted the chaos qi expanded his dantian to double of it's previous size. The injuries of him were also healing and his body gotten stronger.

He only broke through because of the pressure on him. He stood up and lifted his sword up and took a stance. He then gazed at tiger which was coming towards him. He combined his destruction attribute which was at 80% and death which is at 70 % with sword and striked at the tiger.

He previously didn't perform this attack because it would consume all of his energy. But since he broke through it only consumed 50 %.

The strike descended and the tiger died without any resistance. It was sure kill type of attack, it can't be avoided. The notification sounded.

[DING ! Congratulations, Host for killing Evil Demon Tiger immortal king. 150000 Exp obtained. Evil - 30%, Wind - 5%, Earth - 5% received.]

[DING ! Congratulations, Host level has reached True Immortal (3rd stage).]

Seeing the notifications, long ren nodded, as he got the reason for it's defense and agility are earth and wind attributes. He concluded that they were the real attributes of psycho tiger before being corrupted. Long ren also concluded that the corruption must have brought his true nature out..

Long ren started killing all those beings that came into his view. He was getting insanely frustrated. He already formed his evil intent and close to forming a domain.

The Destruction intent and Death intent was already formed, but his sword heart was struck at 99%. His cultivation was also increased to the late stages of true immortal. He left out the weak ones and started killing immortal emperors.