Say cheese!

After a tense hour everyone watched as the two pugilists finally settled down into an uneasy standoff. Ron and Ji kept an eye out for any trouble between the kids but they behaved pretty well for the rest of their stay. Ji took the girls home and Ron walked the boys out the door. Rogue silently sat in the living room going over the whole night in her head studying every little detail for any clues of what Lucifer was planning. He knew he was being a little too cooperative at the end even though she clearly saw that he was furious with how close Ji and Ron were to her, he really kept it pretty much together and she was slightly surprised.

Ron leisurely strolled towards Rogue smiling the whole way, "Ah, I haven't had this much fun acting since I was back in school! I just loved seeing that little punk squirm. I must admit, Ji was spectacular with his acting. I didn't think he had it in him." Rogue snorts and lightly punched Ron in his bicep, "Uncle Ron, I think you two are really shamelessly enjoying yourselves teasing Lucifer but please don't overdo it. I'm the one that has to deal with that little demon most of the time and I can't get him pissed off at me or he won't cooperate with me. Now I find it strange that at the end he was so cooperative and nice, he's definitely planning something but what is it I have no idea." Rogue frowns at Ron and he suddenly hums and smiles, "Darling that's easy. He's trying to lull you into a state of acceptance and then he's going to swoop in and try to eat your tofu!" Rogue blushes and screeches, "Uncle Ron! Don't say that!! Oh my God, he wouldn't do that, he's not that type of guy." Ron laughs, "Honey, I love you like my own little lamb and I'm telling you that man is the big bad wolf and you're his favorite dinner. I saw how he was looking at you and he definitely wants that engagement to keep going."

Rogue was about to deny it again when she hears the front door open and close and Ji walked in. "Uncle Ji, Uncle Ron thinks that Lucifer has bad thoughts about me, tell him he is wrong!" Ji and Ron look at each other and they both looked at Rogue, "He's right. That boy wants to push the engagement through, the girls and I discussed it while I was driving them home and they both agreed that he's been acting strangely lately. Kimmy said and don't get mad at me I'm quoting her, "that punk wants to eat my Goddess's tofu" and Sam agrees. Rogue was blushing so much by now that her whole body was red like a little tomato. "Okay, okay I get it, just don't say tofu anymore. I won't let the brat close enough to get his way. I just have to convince him to call of the engagement. Any suggestions?"