To be or not to be part 2

"Good. As soon as Sergio takes a break I'll talk to Rogue, let's wait and watch what happens," Michael was really trying to keep a serious facial expression but she was just too good that he couldn't help but smile as he thought about his future bonuses. Forty five minutes later the first set of photos had been shot and Sergio called for a small break. His assistant quickly setup the viewer so they could see how the photos looked and what shoot did they have to redo. To Sergio's immense satisfaction and surprise the photos were perfect. Rogue's and Lucifer's pictures in particular looked as if they were an angel and a demon, her looking pure, radiant, a beautiful angel come from heaven and Lucifer as a dark, seductive, sexy demon trying to tempt her into sinning. "Lord Jeezuz...Michael come and see this!" Michael rushes over and is speechless after seeing the screen. "Oh my God! Sergio this is unbelievable, Rogue I thought you said you never modeled professionally?" Rogue was a little confused and when she saw Sergio motioning her over she walked over followed by Lucifer, Gigi, Lola and the boys.

Everyone stares as Sergio goes through the photos one by one and they couldn't believe their eyes. Mackenzie was the first one to speak, "Damn you Lucifer! It figures you will be lucky enough to have a living Goddess be your girlfriend. Rogue are you sure you wanna date this jerk? I'm so much nicer and good looking than him." He started laughing when he saw the nasty look Lucifer gave him, "Mackenzie, I hope you are ready to die. Rogue has better taste than to pick you over me." Rogue arrogantly gazes at Lucifer and suddenly smirks, "I don't know Lucifer, he is kind of pretty and I do like pretty boy's." Lucifer was not happy with Rogue's joke, "Not funny angel. You know I'm the best man for you and you know it." Rogue couldn't help herself and started to giggle.

"Mr.Flynn, I have never modeled professionally in my life. Sergio, wow..these are amazing. You're so good at giving me clear directions that it made it easier for me, I was feeling really nervous and it helped me a lot. Thank you!" Sergio takes a bow and claps his hands to gets everyone's attention, "Okay children, we are going to take a break and eat some lunch. Michael can you do us a favor, reschedule the next person's shoot. I want to take the next set of photos today since I don't need to retake this set." Jonah takes a look at the schedule and sees that Lisa was supposed to be the next person to shoot and he tells Michael, "It is Lisa's turn. I'll contact her manager and tell her to reschedule with Lindsay for tomorrow. Lindsay, do you have a spot open for tomorrow, I need to reschedule the shoot after this one." Lindsay is Sergio's personal assistant and she quickly checks and gives him the new time, "Jonah, Sergio has a four o'clock available. I'll contact May and let her know, so she won't make a fuss about it"