SunRise's Goddess

Michael excitedly finishes his conversation with the big boss and claps his hands as he smiles at Rogue, "Well little lady I have great news! Big boss has agreed to your request but we need to debut you in three months, think you are capable enough to do it?" Lucifer looks at Rogue she seems to be thinking about something before she answers. "I believe I can but I need to start my coaching classes as soon as possible." Lucifer grins and the boys high five each other. Lucifer glorious smile is on full display as he hugs Rogue, "Congratulations baby. Let me be the first to welcome you to SunRise entertainment."

Everyone starts to applaud making Rogue feel shy and nervous, "Thank you everyone! I will work hard to make you all proud of me. Mr.Flynn thank you for giving me the opportunity to join the company." A slight disturbance is noticed from behind them and a surprised grasp is suddenly heard. "That's our CEO! What is he doing here?" Lucifer shoots a glare at Michael as he grabs Rogue's small hand and daringly gives her a small kiss on her cheek. Adrian Merrick was stunned when he saw the new girl, she's a beauty. "Mr.Flynn, is this our new trainee? Lucifer let the girl go, you're not an octopus. Hello dear I'm Adrian Merrick the CEO of SunRise entertainment. I'm also this rascal's cousin."

Rogue smiles and shakes Adrian's hand, "Nice to meet you, sir. I'm Rogue Drake." Lucifer grabs Rogue's hand and wipes it clean with a wipe as if he was disinfecting her hand after touching his cousin's hand. "Adrian, how nice of you to come down here and meet my fiancee. Did you also bring her contract with you?" All of a sudden running steps are heard and a geeky looking young man stops with a bunch of papers clutched in his hand, his gasping and huffing as if he's having difficulty breathing after running all the way to them. "Sir, Huff huff huff here is the contract for the new trainee...huff huff huff...HR said if there is something to be changed please contact the department immediately." Michael takes the contract and quickly reads through it and hands it to Rogue, who calmly reads it and then asks for a pen to sign it, everything that she asks is listed and she's satisfied. " I'm officially a trainee. I'm looking forward to working with you all. How about we celebrate with a lunch date tomorrow? Mr.Flynn can you arrange a reservation for the whole crew for tomorrow? Also can you forward the names of some stylists and makeup artist for me to interview? I'll like to get my team settled as soon as possible."