Three suitors or three wannabe suitors part 2

Ji gazed steadily at Lucifer and took a sip of the tea that Rogue poured for him, "It's a little complicated, you all know that Rogue suffered a horrific car accident. She was brought to the hospital were Ron and I work at and I was the surgeon that performed her life saving operation and Ron is part of my team. After that her grandparents asked us to follow up on her rehabilitation and we became close."

Rogue smiles at Ron and Ji, "If it wasn't for the both of them taking such good care of me and nagging me to attend my rehabilitation appointments I wouldn't have recovered as well as I have. They're my knights in shining armor!" Hope looks worriedly at Brett and then looks at her son who was not very happy with Rogue's comments. "It's so nice to see such dedicated young doctors like you two. I'm sure your girlfriends and your family have to be very proud of you."

Ron laughs and smiles, "Weeellll... I don't know about been proud about us more like they tolerate us. They're extremely disappointed in us since we are both single but hopefully that will change in the near future." Ron cheekily grinned at Rogue as he winked at her and leaned lazily back in his chair. Lucifer smirks and hums, "So are you interested in someone Mr.Howard? You are almost at the age that you should be married or at least engaged." Ron charmingly smiles at Lucifer, "I'm not that much older than you. I'm only 24 and Ji is 26. We're both geniuses so we finished university early and since we are wholeheartedly devoted to our profession we didn't have a chance to date much when we first started working. We're now at a point that we are ready to start a serious relationship leading to marriage." Ji kept drinking his tea as he followed the conversation and smiled as he saw how well Ron was acting as a potential suitor of Rogue. My baby is such a good actor, I wonder how he can keep a straight face since he can see how angry Lucifer was becoming as he kept speaking.

Johan was thoroughly enjoying how Lucifer was trying to keep cool and not explode. Ahhh my little Poppy likes to make that boy sweat, she's going to have to learn to control his temper and his bossiness. Hmm young fellow you are not allowed to bully our girl. Johan was clearly smiling and enjoying the drama and it took Kyung's interfering to calm the mood down. "Alright I don't know about this kids but I'm famished. Let's go and enjoy the delicious dinner that chef has prepared for us. Rogue, I had your favorite dessert made specially for you!" Rogue happily grinned, "Ooh....chocolate cake with cherries? Grandma you spoil me so!"