Chapter 6

A faint glimpsed of a man started walking towards the podium. And when the Chandelier's light embraces his face, I smiled a little. It was my Dad holding the infamous "Basin of Poison" coated with pure Sparkling Diamonds and Red dazzling Rubies all over it that will make anyone's eyes squished. Beside him was Mr. Morris holding the Needle size of a chopstick. It was filled with sparkling silver. They are both smiling from ear to ear. Dad mouthed 'Congratulations' Before they kneeled down before me.

Now, the main Initation will about to start. Spare me some calm soul fellas.

Seven Of the Soldiers with sharp sparkling sword made a straight line behind me. They are not going to throw in one shot that damn sword at me, don't they? 'Coz if they do, I'm dead serious, until to their last generation would suffer.

Godfather slowly but with horror stood up in his chair. Everyone waited for his next move. I lowered my head when he stood beside my Dad who's still on his knees.

"You can never bend your head to the ground once I already bestowed you this crown." His not using a microphone but the tone of his voice are already enough for the thousands of people in the Hall to heard him clearly.

"I understand Godfather." I raised my gaze to met his bluemoon eyes. An eyes I wished I never had.

Dad and Mr. Morris raised up after the Godfather signaled them to do so.

I'm not afraid even in a single drop of a Goddam blood but I don't think I can manage to let them prick my finger tip using that needle.

"Behold as we make another step into reaching the ambition of the Great Empress Regina Valorem. Today, we come together with all the odds and even against our pilgrimage."

"In all odds we never walk alone." We responded in chorus.

A man in a Black cloak walked in bearing the crown wore by every Empress ruled the Familia. It has sophisticated Saphire on its base and a seducing lingering amethyst to its body. A crystal clear diamonds on its upper part made it so much fragile yet unbreakable.

Godfather motioned Dad to come close.

"This is small. It'll not hurt." Dad said as an assurance while holding the Needle.

"So as grenades and bullets. Bullshit." I uttered.

Mr. Morris chuckled. He extend his hand telling me to put my hand above to his hand.

"A Valorem never cries, remember?" Dad said staring at me like a very proud Father in my graduation.

"Yeah, sure Dad." I said bluntly.

It's all gorgeous and safe 'till this needle was pricked into my fingertip.

Shit as hell. How do I say 'Fuck you' politely? Dammit!

My thick bloods ran freely to my finger as if they were also waiting for this moment to come.

Dad wiped the blood from my finger using a thin cloth. After which, They set the a fire onto the basin.

"May I burn in hell like this thin cloth if my heart would breakeven between what's right to the the Mafia and my own sake. The Familia should come before anything else." I said rampantly, I couldn't even hear what I'm saying.

With all due respect to the person who made this pledge, all I can say is screw this piece of a shit. Well, my Familia was important to me. Yes I'm talking about my Dad. He's my Family.ONLY. Not the entire Organization who made me a total stranger to my own self.

I'm mad for myself for not speaking this up. I did only agree to accept this fate 'Coz I want my every little decision whether for my own fucking sake or not to be relevant.

"Our constellation will rejoice as we give this crown to its right owner." Godfather lifted up the crown. Its Jewels made the Stage even brighter.

The seven soldiers drew the sword that made a clinking sound and raised it up together.

Every eyes was on me as I went towards the throne.

The feeling was Jamais vu. It felt like I was on the place where I belong yet I'm unfamiliar. I couldn't stayed in here sitting for another minute. It's like I'm sitting in a time machine where it took me back in unfamiliar place and suddenly, blurred scenes started playing on my mind and 'twas quickly fading.

What the hell was that?

I ignored the feeling when they all kneeled down so as Godfather after he put the crown on my head.

"Kill your emotions to stay on top." He whispered.

I am planning, but you ruined it by telling me to do so. I wanna roll my eyes.

I stood up and with all my courage, I said.

"I'll reign against reason to not to, against betrayal, against doubts and envious, against all discouragement." They all gaze up on me intently.

"This Familia taught me one realization." I paused for a moment. I roamed my eyes to every bits and corner od hall.

"A person can be totally different in a snap of finger. A person can be powerful as hell in a speed of light. This crown has made all the difference, I'll reign following my OWN will against all promises and pledges."

A dissent expression was written all over in Godfather's face. But he can't do anything. In a snap of my finger, he will lose his title and he'll totally transform into a normal forgetful old hag.

His mind hadn't reach the fact that once an Empress sat the throne the Godfather power will be void.

'I'd turned the tables even with my eyes closed. Let that sink in.'

Mr. Morris and my Dad stars to show me a slow clap that eventually followed by the loud applaud of thousand of people attend this Initiation rites.

An innocent follower girl was gone no more. I stand before them as their Empress.


The aftery party preceded after the initial ceremony. It became as the annual gathering of the poweful personality inside the organization.

The flamboyant hall and everyone wearing a mask that made them mysterious added to prettify this night. This is a night to remember indeed.

Arcane Chamber is part in every gathering of the Organization. This is the time in which everyone are mandated to wear a mask to hide their faces. The purpose is to communicate with everybody no matter what's social status, gender, ranks, and title they're belong.

Even I, should socialize to them without bringing out the real me. Though, I'm sucks in starting a conversation.

From a heavy atmosphere, the night quickly turns into a light ambiance. A dim night with dancing lights, the smell of whiskey and cigarettes blended to the people's laughter. What I'd like about this is I could be nothing special behind this simple Violet mask, only my eyes was visible. I'm just an ordinary Girl inside this grandious hall.

I told you in this house a snap of finger could make things difference. Earlier, I'm their renowed Empress and now I'm like an ordinary stranger on a bus.

We can wear anything we want. In fact, you can still enter wearing with just your panty and Bra. That's how liberated this party.

I'm wearing a black jeans and a chunky knit sweater with peacoat on top of it. A black boots to complete my get up.

"Do you want?" A man wearing suit offered me his wine.

"No thanks, I don't drink." I said with my eyes fixed on the Mango Graham in the table not 10 steps away from where I'm standing.

"Come on little lady, Every human is thirsty for drinks."He said with an erotic voice that makes me want to gwaked in disgust. I looked at him, still Mango Graham circling on my head, shaking his bullshits in my mind.

He's wearing a Janguar mask.

"Guess I'm not a human." I shoved my hands on my pockets. I turned my gaze to the people getting wildier when the music switch to the song Nice and slow by Usher.

"So what are you then?" He uttered in a husky voice when he stepped closer to me.

I didn't bother to flinch and step back an inch.

"I'll tell you but you'll die." I said showing him my sweetest smile I could give tonight.

I know he's flirting with me. From the way he talks and how his eyes checked me from head to toe made me liked the idea forming on my head.

'You'll never know what fun is until I recite the poem of blood in your face.'

"Die in what?" He grinned and started to sway his body in slow, harmonizing to the music.

I smirked. I crossed my hands while watching this terrible sight infront me.

My Dog was way more sexy and adorable when wiggling his tail than to these Jaguar wannabe.

"Come on, atleast dance with me." He stepped again a little more closer to me. I could already heard his breathing. The smell of Wine from his breath made him more disgusting.

"If I were you, I'll distance myself to the danger." Laughter came out to his mouth. He's annoying as hell! He pointed his finger to me.

"You? A danger?" He said then laughed again.

I tilted my head, arching my eyebrows in irritation.

"You're too short to be a danger." He said while measuring my height with a bursting laught on his face.

He's mocking my height! Well, it can't be denied that I'm like a Ten year old kid compared to his height I only at his chest.

He's telling the obvious. But that'll never be Okay to make fun of the Empress.

This guy wants to wee my wrath.

I tiptoed and whispered to his right ear.

"Mind you, I make dangers."

He was taken a back. He didn't expect me to make a move--step closer to him, swallowing the remaining distance between us.

"Now if you'll excuse your self, why now? You should've did it earlier." I said.

Instead of getting scared for what I've just said, His smile get even wider. I frowned in annoyance. Who's this jerk by the way?

"I like you." He uttered out of nowhere.

"What the hell?" Even my Chinita eyes gets wider in shocked. All of a sudden?

"I noticed your beautiful eyes from a far. Your mask pretty ugly not to hide your eyes that shines like a moonlight." He quickly said without hesitation.

He's staring at me like I'm only the person on his vision.

His little smile peeking at his face made me stiffened for a second.

"You don't know me." The only thing my mind thought. I killed all the emotions I'm feeling in that moment.

I didn't wait him to say another single thing to avoid more nonsensical conversation. I walked pass through him, thank God he didn't stopped me.

I shook my head, I'm totally dumfounded to this encounter. I should've just stayed at my room for a great cause. I'm a bit confused as to why his eyes became down when I said those words.

Well, he doesn't know me and so I am to him. I should not be bother by him and his bullshits. After all, this was the first and absolutely the last time we will talk to each other.

----To be continued.