“I’m gonna cum”

"I can see you love what you are seeing…" she said between sly smiles. She seemed to be a mind reader; he was on fire with a passion to possess her naked body.

"Yes… Yes!" he stammered, struggling to think of the right thing to say. Then in a flash, the right word popped into his head.

"You were a vision before, but now you are a dream in human form"

She giggled a little; it sounded like the ringing of a church bell from a distance, also has a hypnotic effect. His heart fluttered and brain whirled.

Not letting go of the eyes contact, she walked majestically straight to him, he stood up, his hands slid behind to her hips. It settled there and pulled her closer. Her wet body against his warm chest chiselled to perfection. His breathing quickened as did hers.