The Fucking barman

After the fourth bottle of his favourite beer; Guinness Stout which he believes is a form of man-power he asked the barman

"Do you believe in ghost?"

"Why are you downcast? Have you lost your job?" he asked looking at him with suspicion.

"Nigerians, must we always reply a question with another question. Do you believe in ghost, yes or no?"

"Yes I do…" the barman responded waiting to see where this was headed for he knew it's the alcohol speaking.

"Have you seen or met any?" he asked slowly raising his head from the bottle, staring and studying his facial expression.

"No, I haven't met any but probably have seen. When my mother passed away, I could still see her walking around the house; cooking and disturbing things in the kitchen. I woke up sometimes to see her seated beside my bed smiling down at me. I think at that time, her spirit hasn't let go of some earthly things".

"Hmm, so you believe some spirits live among us?"