An imaginary friend

"Alright, but have you taken it up to God in prayers?" he asked with a faked seriousness.

The smile returned and she wondered how he does it, making her laugh often, even in her current predicament.

"You are not seriously asking me whether I prayed about it?" she asked with her head slightly bent to one side and eyebrows raised.

"That's what most people do"

"Most people? You are not one of them?"

"No" he shook his head; "I don't believe praying to a big guy upstairs will make my problems magically go away"

Judith nodded at his response with a lingering smile at one side of her lips.

"So why haven't you talked to Him about it?" he asked.

"I stopped having an imaginary friend a long time ago"

"Wow!" he howled in excitement with both hands over his mouth. "That's straight up cold, never saw it coming"

"Having an imaginary friend as a child is cute but as an adult, it is something totally different…"