The moving box

Lying with her back against the ground; she opened her eyes to find she was in this pocket-sized space filled with strange darkness that she could not comprehend. Hardly could she tell whether her eyes were open or closed. The air was punctuated with the smell of blood, urine, and dust.

Her eyes scanned the darkness but she found absolutely nothing; not even the smallest source of light. She felt a sudden chill around her from the surface beneath. Her body lay put and disobedient. The cold around her grew into a chill and crept through her spine. The strange hollowness of the place reminded her of the sounds of a shell when kept closed the ear. She just couldn't bring herself to remember how she ended up here.

Her breathing fastened and filled the hollowness that existed before. She screamed but nothing came. She struggled harder but this time with her mouth shut but still no tangible result. She tried to turn around but couldn't because of the wall on both sides.