Mental Confusion

"Let's get something to eat, am famished" he beckoned on David's neighbour and she walked over.

"I can see our date has arrived" she turned to her and said "You are welcomed, dear"

"Thanks" she responded.

They both made their orders and Peter asked for a bottle of wine and two glasses. That should keep them busy while they await the food. In about a minute she came with their request. Peter brought out his wallet to pay; a piece of paper fell from his pocket. Nevaeh picked it up.

The waitress left and they were alone. Peter opened the wine and filled their glasses. She took her glass and after a toast asked

"You went to the hospital today?"

"Yes," he was stunned "How did you know?"

"Your result from the hospital, it fell out from your pocket" she handled it back.

"It is my HIV result"

"Can I ask whether you are positive or negative?" she said sipping her drink.