New home, New town

I brought the blue straw to my lips and the cold liquid of my favourite FiveAlive juice trickled down my throat. The sweet orange taste made me hmm in satisfaction. It was so refreshing; I couldn't stop drinking until I emptied the glass.

Satisfied, I kept the empty glass on the wooden drawer beside the bed and collapsed into the bed, my back caressing the soft and neatly dressed foam. I pulled the sheet up to my chin; they were cold and smelled of cheap detergent.

Morning sunlight crawled in through the open window and so did fresh morning breeze to brush over my face and other parts of me uncovered. I stretched my arms out, closed my eyes and took a deep breath, inhaling the sweet air of freedom, that of a new atmosphere. In the quiet of the room, I could hear birds chirping outside the window, car horns, street hawkers announcing their products and loud music from music vendors.