Who is the screamer?

Few days pass with an awkward silence and growing tension between us. Each one of us did everything to avoid the other. I was really thankful to God that she didn't report to anyone and for that, I kept her on a high place in my heart. Praying and wishing we did it again with no regret afterwards.

The third night after the sexual encounter, I was sleeping peacefully when I was suddenly awakened by a soft knock on the door. Wiping the sleep off my eyes with my left hand I responded softly.


The door gave way slowly and Philomena entered almost tiptoeing. She switched on the light after closing the door behind and joined me on the bed. She sat at the edge of the bed, quite far from my reach.

I looked up at her blearily before asking

"What's up?"

Philomena looked out of the window avoiding my gaze and mouthed,

"I came just to say" she fumbled.