Dear Mummy

Ignoring her, I kept screaming the name of my Savior and Lord "Jesus!" till my eyes blast open and I woke up frightened, looking around scared to the teeth and out of air. Sweating like someone that just concluded a marathon. My dick on fire like a chilly pepper was applied to it. As though the windows were open, a sudden chill swept through me, cutting on the marrow of my bones.

The door burst open and my mother came in, already panicking, she asked

"What is it? What is wrong with you?"

"Nothing mama, it was just a dream" I stuttered in denial.

"Just a dream that woke you up and you are sweating like a Christmas goat?" she asked unbelief written all over her face.

I took a deep breath before responding "It was a nightmare".

"What was it about?" she joined me in the bed and placed her cold hand over my warm shoulders.

"Common, open up and tell your mother".