A black smiling angel

I woke up to meet a sheer blackout. The atmosphere was thick and dark as the devil's soul; the air heavy with water vapour. The floor felt cold and wet against my back. In the chilling blackness, I felt my blood turn comfortably warm, my eyes calm like in a nightly dream. Sound of dripping water could be heard all over. All around me the smell of stagnant water was thick and I imagined snakes and alligators and all manners of beasts creeping around.

"What am I doing here? What is happening? Where is this place?" I contemplated bringing my hands to my forehead to wipe the water off my face.

"Was I in a cave? How did I get here?" the last thing I remembered was laying to rest in one of the rooms in the church quarters after the prayers with Pastor Vivian. How then did I get to a damn cave? Could this be the handwork of Philomena? What have I done to get myself into the same boat with that demon? I questioned myself.